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st: Creating Tables

From   "Stephen P. Jenkins" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Creating Tables
Date   Tue, 13 Jan 2009 09:27:59 -0000


Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 07:10:12 -0800 (PST)
From: "Ana R. Rios" <[email protected]>
Subject: st: Creating Tables

Stata users,

I would like to create tables with results estimated using ineqrbd.  I
am particularly interested in the column "100*s_f" for "residual" and
"aedu".  Is there any way to do this without manipulating the
following output in Excel?  Any help is greatly appreciated.
. ineqrbd loginhr aedu edad edad2 exper [aweight=weight] if
muestraok==1, noreg
Regression-based decomposition of inequality in  loginhr
Decomp.  |     100*s_f        S_f     100*m_f/m      CV_f
residual |     79.9596      0.1723     -0.0000   -3.41e+13   -1.58e+14
aedu     |     15.7009      0.0338     14.9804      0.5778      2.6819
edad     |      7.9071      0.0170     56.2559      0.3317      1.5397
edad2    |     -4.3796     -0.0094    -23.4335     -0.6496     -3.0155
exper    |      0.8120      0.0017      0.5354      1.8563      8.6163
Total    |    100.0000      0.2154    100.0000      0.2154      1.0000
Note: proportionate contribution of composite var f to inequality of
      s_f = rho_f*sd(f)/sd(Total). S_f = s_f*CV(Total).
      m_f = mean(f). sd(f) = of f. CV_f = sd(f)/m_f.
      Total = loginhr

. return list

              r(sf_Z4) : ".0081196268060714"
<snip> 	....
            r(varlist) : "loginhr aedu edad edad2 exper"

Thank you for your time.


Ana Rios   

-ineqrbd-, for regression-based inequality decomposition,  is on SSC
(authors: Carlo Fiorio and me).  Statalist etiquette (See FAQ) tells
users to report this sort of information when you post a question.

-ineqrbd- is an rclass program, so doesn't easily yield to the various
output processing programs available (of which -estout- and its
siblings are my personal favourites).

So, I recommend using the -file- command combined with -forvalues-
loops to process the results held in the r(.) macros and to write out
tab-limited output that you can then easily handle.

For an example, look at the penultimate case study in the file in my materials from "Workshops on ?Audit
trails, reproducibility and output processing? and 'Effective use of
Stata graphics'", downloadable from

This is perhaps a case of using a hammer to crack a nut, but the
'tricks' can be applied in other cases.    

A short-cut alternative is to do what you're presumably doing -- using
cut/paste from the output window to paste into Excel and then process

Professor Stephen P. Jenkins <[email protected]>
Director, Institute for Social and Economic Research
University of Essex, Colchester CO4 3SQ, U.K.
Tel: +44 1206 873374.  Fax: +44 1206 873151.  
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