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Re: st: Re: roctab sensitivity specificity for each cutpoint

From   "David Elliott" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Re: roctab sensitivity specificity for each cutpoint
Date   Sun, 11 Jan 2009 11:56:14 -0400

I think there is a fairly simple modification that will save the
requested information.

Martin Weiss said in response to Jacob Wegelin's question about saving
cutpoint information in -roctab-:
> Well,
> it is not hard to see that the values displayed in the table after -roctab,
> detail- are stored in -tempvar-s named "sens" "spec" "corr" "lrp" "lrn",
> with the cutpoints in the first column stored in a -local-. The returned
> values do not make them available, and the question is really: why not put
> them into a matrix and return it?
> The -tempvar-s die when -roctab- terminates, so you might want to make a
> copy of -roctab- and edit it to tell Stata to turn them into permanent
> objects. But as you correctly say: it is probably easier to program this
> yourself than to figure out a way to make the -tempvar-s permanent.
> Martin

There are a couple of places in -roctab- that allow you return the
tempnames and a matrix of the tempvars.

If you want to modify it, here is the process:

Open roctab.ado and edit the second line to:

prog def roctab2, rclass sortpreserve

and save the program as roctab2.ado

Search for the line: qui replace `prob'=. if `sens'==1 & `spec'==0 & _n==1
and immediately afterward insert:

// Added code begin
		return matrix cut = cut
		forvalues i==1/`r(cuts)' {
			return local cut_`i' `r(cut_`i')'
			return local lrn_`i' `r(lrn_`i')'
			return local lrp_`i' `r(lrp_`i')'
			return local corr_`i' `r(corr_`i')'
// Added code end

Search for the line: */ _col(71) %8.4f `lrn'
and insert immediately afterward:

// Added code begin		
		return local cut_`i' `cut'
		return local lrn_`i' `lrn'
		return local lrp_`i' `lrp'
		return local corr_`i' `corr'
// Added code end		
Find the end of the "prog def MYDETail" subroutine where you find the
        qui replace `sens'=`sens'/100
        qui replace `spec'=`spec'/100

just after the two "qui replace" and before the "end" statement insert:

// Added code begin		
	mkmat `sens' `spec' in 1/`--i', matrix(cut)
	return local cuts `i'
// Added code end		

After running -roctab2- try a -mat list r(cut)- and -sreturn list- to
see if the necessary information is there.

To test:

roctab2 status mod1 , table detail
mat list r(cut)
return list

Note:  this information is created in the  MYDETail subroutine and is
only available when you specify the detail option.

David Elliott
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