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st: subpop question

From   Carissa Moffat Miller <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: subpop question
Date   Sat, 24 Jan 2009 20:14:35 -0800


I am fitting a logistic regression model using svy in Stata version 9. I am trying to use the subpop option to focus on only those adults 55 and older. However, in my logistic model I specifically want to look at the differences among age categories for participation in adult education (aepart) so I also have age categories (AgeCat7) as an independent variable. I have received messages on my output that indicate putting in age will cause problems. My questions are: 

1. Below is my output, note  _IAgeCat7_7 dropped due to collinearity. This is the category for anyone under 55 so it shouldn't have been in the model, but does this message indicate another problem? 

2. I have also run the model with 6 category age just coding age F           =    0.0000

             |             Linearized
      aepart | Odds Ratio   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
 _IAgeCat7_2 |   1.128364   .1712264     0.80   0.426     .8380377    1.519269
 _IAgeCat7_3 |   .8190012   .1358204    -1.20   0.229     .5917043    1.133612
 _IAgeCat7_4 |   .8138198   .1540807    -1.09   0.277     .5614976    1.179529
 _IAgeCat7_5 |   1.050606   .2072118     0.25   0.802     .7137293    1.546486
 _IAgeCat7_6 |   .5036011   .0968218    -3.57   0.000     .3454723    .7341085
_IIncomequ~2 |   1.415502   .2227664     2.21   0.027      1.03976    1.927027
_IIncomequ~3 |   1.448079   .2233722     2.40   0.016     1.070219    1.959348
_IIncomequ~4 |   2.326815   .3547075     5.54   0.000     1.725774    3.137182
_IHIGHEDUC_2 |   2.016762   .3553085     3.98   0.000     1.427813    2.848643
_IHIGHEDUC_3 |   3.010628   .8260452     4.02   0.000     1.758229     5.15512
_IHIGHEDUC_4 |   4.172463   .7755193     7.69   0.000      2.89842    6.006532
    employed |   2.189151   .2617844     6.55   0.000     1.731701    2.767443
      female |   2.234095   .2508465     7.16   0.000     1.792729    2.784124

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