Dear stata-listers,
I have a problem with stata-regular expressions. Here is an example:
/*--- example ---*/
set obs 5
gen v1=.
replace v1=1 if regexm(v1,"[]")==1
display _rc
/*--- end example ---*/
The regex-command returns the return code "0", but there are several
red error messages because of the regex-syntax error "regexp:
unmatched []".
Since our real data has about 30mio. observations and the syntax
error message is printed out for every single observation, we would
like to stop the regex command with the first "error" message
"regexp: unmatched []". Since there is no useful return code (in fact
there is the return code 0 after complete execution of the regex
command), we would like to know how to kill the command after
the first occurence of "regexp: unmatched []" automatically.
There is even no chance of stopping the program by pressing the
break button after a "more"-condition.
Is there a way to stop the execution after the first occurence of the
regex error message "regexp: unmatched []"?
Thanks in advance for your help,
Inna Becher
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