Apart from Fred`s advice, you can also use a -forv- loop to accumulate the
*create data
set obs 1000
forv i=1/10{
g t`i'=runiform()
g r=1
*get the condition
loc ts "t1<0.3"
forv i=2/10{
loc ts `ts' | t`i'<0.3
*do replacement
replace r=2 if `ts'
----- Original Message -----
From: "sdm1" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2009 9:30 PM
Subject: st: Wild character in variable names?
I have ten variables called diag1, diag2, ... diag10.
I would like to do a replace such that:
replace vara=1 if diag1=="A" | diag2=="A" | diag3=="A" ... .
I would rather not have to write out all ten conditions.
Is there a wild character, like *, I can use in the variable name so that
this works:
replace vara=1 if diag*=="A"
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