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st: -multencode- available on SSC

From   "Nick Cox" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: -multencode- available on SSC
Date   Mon, 19 Jan 2009 21:53:44 -0000

Thanks again to Kit Baum, a new package -multencode- is now available
from SSC. This was discussed last week in my post 


and, as there detailed, is a delayed response to a thread started on the
list by Moleps Islon in November. 

It's notable that -encode- goes way, way back in Stata history. Even now
-multencode- is just a wrapper for -encode-, with some Mata
manipulations to work out the value labels. 

A capsule description follows my signature. Use -ssc inst multencode- to
install if interested. 


multencode Stata module to encode multiple string variables into numeric

multencode creates new numeric variables newvarlist, with value labels
defined and attached, based on the string variables strvarlist. The same
set of value labels is used for all the new variables.


    Nicholas J. Cox, Durham University, UK

Stata 9 required 

Keywords: encode, string, numeric, value labels 

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