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st: Creating a help file of consolidated errorcodes (return codes)

From   "David Elliott" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Creating a help file of consolidated errorcodes (return codes)
Date   Fri, 9 Jan 2009 22:52:58 -0400

This will probably only be of interest to ado file writers wanting to
reference return codes following official Stata values when doing
error checking in routines.

It is easy to find an explanation of a return code because the code
displayed in the results window is hyperlinked to the relevant help
file.  However, the reverse is not true.  One often has to -hsearch
"words I'd expect to be in the error I'm trapping"- and then sort
through a long list to find the relevant return code.

I decided to create a help file of all Stata return codes so that one
could search the text directly.    Once it has created the help file
one can -help returncodes- to bring it up.  The rc2help.ado only has
to be run once to create the help file although you may want to run it
again after major upgrades as I'm sure Stata adds new codes from time
to time.

Stata version - I've named the help file with the new ".sthlp"
extension for Stata 10 users.  Pre-Stata 10 will get ".hlp"

Error range logic - Stata appears to have reserved ranges for
different error types which may help with searching:

Range		Error type
1-499 		general
500-600 	matrix
601-622 	file I/O
623-678 	net connection
679-699 	file I/O
700-950 	memory
1000-1400 	limits
2000-2001 	too many/few obs
3000-3998 	mata
4005-4031 	class
9000+ 	 	kiss your butt goodbye

Future development - I've inserted SMCL {marker ##} codes for each
return code. This allows you to go directly to a return code in the
viewer address box by typing something like: help returncodes##601 .
However, I can't figure out how to do that from the command line other
than doing something like: -di "{help returncodes##601}"- and clicking
the hyperlink.  If anyone could enlighten me...  I may create an index
at the top in some future iteration.

save as rc2help.ado
x----------------begin code----------------x
program define rc2help
version 9.0

*! version 1.0.0  2009.01.09
*! Create a consolidated help file of error (return) codes
*! by David C. Elliott

findfile stata14.key

tempname hi ho
file open `hi' using "`r(fn)'" , r
// watch following line for wrapping
file open `ho' using
>=10,"sthlp","hlp")'" , w replace

file write `ho' "{smcl}" _n "{com}{sf}{ul off}{txt}" _n
local write 0
local newcode 0
file read `hi' line
while r(eof)==0 {
  if !inlist(substr(`"`macval(line)'"',2,1),"e","c","k","x") {
    if strpos(`"`line'"',".t")==1 { // each section starts with a ".t"
      local write 1
      local newcode 1
      else if  `"`line'"' == "" {
        local write 0
        file write `ho' _n
    if `write' {
      if `newcode' {
        if regexm(`"`line'"',".*Return code ([0-9]+)") == 1 {
          local rc `=regexs(1)'
          file write `ho' ///
          "{smcl}" _n ///
          "{title:Return code `rc'{marker `rc'}}" _n ///
          "{s6hlp}" _n
          local newcode 0
        else {
          file write `ho' `"`macval(line)'"' _n
  file read `hi' line
file close _all
help returncodes

x------------------end code----------------x

I suspect this could be generalized to make a quick and dirty help
file out of any of the stata##.key files.
David Elliott
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