Here is something similar I did a while ago:
input strain ld1 ld2 ld3 epm1 epm2
1 14.45 17.5 20.1 14.22 13.78
2 22.25 18.9 11.35 19.3 16.7
3 9.80 10.1 14.05 11.4 14.4
label define strain 1 "BALB/cJ" 2 "C57BL/6J" 3 "DBA/2J"
label values strain strain
label var ld1 "Transitions between sides"
label var ld2 "Time on white side"
label var ld3 "Latency to first enter dark side"
label var epm1 "Time on open arms"
label var epm2 "Entries onto open arms"
graph bar ld1, over(strain) ///
ytitle("Mean rank" "~ decreasing anxiety") ///
title("Transitions between sides") ///
bar(1, color(black)) ///
bar(2, color(black)) ///
bar(3, color(black)) ///
ylabel(0(5)25, angle(0) nogrid) ///
blabel(bar, position(inside) format(%9.1f) color(white)
size(medium)) ///
saving(fig3a.gph, replace)
On Jan 9, 2009, at 1:23 PM, Ricardo Ovaldia wrote:
I could not find how to do this in the manuals:
I am graphing the mean concentration of a substance over three
variables using -graph bar, over()-. I would like to have the number
of observations (N) for each bar listed on top of the bar. Can I do
that in Stata?
. graph bar concentration, over(local ) over(type) over(member)
Thank you in advance,
Ricardo Ovaldia, MS
Oklahoma City, OK
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