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st: Re: nested xtmixed variance component model syntax

From   "Joseph Coveney" <[email protected]>
To   "Statalist" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Re: nested xtmixed variance component model syntax
Date   Wed, 28 Jan 2009 12:03:55 +0900


Steve Rothenberg wrote (excerpted):

I am trying to model these data:

DepVar = weight
fixed IndVars:

I observe the weight of subjects given 1 of 4 different fractions of a
complex contaminant (control [saline], soluble, insoluble and total).  This
variable is called treatment.  The contaminant was taken from three
different geographical locations (variable: geolocation).  The subjects are
observed over two different time periods before weighing, each subject
belonging to one or the other time periods (variable: time).

The design assigns four subjects to the control treatment condition of each
geolocation and time and six subjects to each other
treatment-geolocation-time condition.

As I see it, I have subjects nested within treatment, treatment nested
within geolocation and geolocation nested within time.  There are no
repeated measurements on subjects.

[excerpted]  I keep running
into non-convergence problems with my various formulations of the random

[remainder redacted]


If each animal is observed at only one of the two time periods, then this is a
factorial ANOVA:  all of the factors are crossed, and there's a single error
term, the residual.  Each animal is is assigned at random only once to each
combination of factors:  treatment group, time group and geographic location

First, balance your design by assigining an equal number of animals to each
cell (combination of predictors), and then use -anova- (or -regress-).

anova weight treatment time treatment*time geolocation ///
 treatment*geolocation time*geolocation treatment*time*geolocation

Joseph Coveney

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