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st: RE: minor bug in -lookfor-?

From   "Nick Cox" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: RE: minor bug in -lookfor-?
Date   Mon, 26 Jan 2009 21:51:42 -0000

I've got to say that I don't regard this as a bug. 

-lookfor- does not claim to support options, nor does it do that. So,
there's no inconsistency either way in that respect. 

Nor do I think that there is a good reason to ban commas as input, if
that were to be suggested. Commas can be part of strings, no question. 

As -lookfor- behaves reasonably even when Jeph treats it not quite as
intended, wherein lies the bug? 


Jeph Herrin

For what it's worth, I was surprised to discover that

  lookfor myvar, fullnames

produces the same result as

  lookfor myvar fullnames

That is, if you add any options to -lookfor-, it ignores the
comma and treats the options as search strings.

On the one hand, the documentation clearly indicates there
are no options. On the other, it often happens that I try
options that I think might work and expect Stata complain
if they are invalid.

In this case, I abbreviated -fullnames- to -fu-, and was finding 
variables that in no way matched -myvar-. Took me a while to
puzzle out.

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