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Re: st: Set more off

From   Jeph Herrin <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Set more off
Date   Tue, 20 Jan 2009 14:30:19 -0500

Yep, that's what I normally do if there's a lot of output at
once. But if it is something that is processing slowly (so I
am getting dots roll lazily across the screen), then after
I press the space bar once, the processing proceeds and there's
no opportunity to add more spaces, so to speak, until the screen
is full. What I'd like is to somehow -set more off- when I see
the first -more- prompt.


Mak, Timothy wrote:
Pressing lots of spaces in quick succession (ie holding down your space bar) seems to do the trick...
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Jeph Herrin
Sent: 20 January 2009 18:41
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: Set more off

I understand the original question to be about how to disable
-more- the first time it shows up. I often have this problem -
sometimes I even forget in a do file which is running some long-winded
models, and it stops after a full screen - I just want to turn it off
then, but can't seem to - if I don't want to hang around fifteen minutes
for the next screen full, I have to restart the do-file no matter what.

I'd like to disable the -more- (-set more off-) the first time it stops
the output. Is there a way?

Neil Shephard wrote:
Yes, type -set more off- in Stata itself before running your do-file.

This happens because the -set more off- in your do-file is "local" to
that do-file when you hit an error that is lost (as are any macros
your setting in your do-file).

Probably the easiest solution would be to correct your errors and then
re-run your whole do-file (providing the early stages don't take too
long to run).

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