Dear Stata users,
I am struggling to find a way how to keep observations within a date range for different regions.
I have data like this:
list sdate loc2prov
sdate loc2prov
1. 1.8.2003 1
2. 1.8.2003 1
3. 1.8.2003 2
4. 1.6.2003 2
5. 20.8.2008 2
6. 1.9.2003 3
7. 1.6.2003 4
8. 1.11.2003 1
9. 1.6.2003 6
10. 1.11.2003 2
11. 1.5.2003 5
12. 1.8.2003 6
13. 1.8.2004 8
14. 1.6.2004 18
15. 1.11.2004 16
*I generate a date variable
gen Sdate=sdate
. gen date=date(Sdate,"DMY")
. format date %td
*then I compare and keep variables that belong to a specific region and within a specific date.
*since I have many regions I first create a dummy indicating which variables to keep:
gen k=1 if loc2prov==1 & date<d(25aug2004)
(97890 missing values generated)
replace k=1 if loc2prov==2 & date<d(25may2004)
(0 real changes made)
Why are missing values generated?
How can I tell stata to compare the date I have with another?
I also try creating separate variables for day, year and month but its not working
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