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Re: st: AW: Question about "testparm"

From   Ted Fuller <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: AW: Question about "testparm"
Date   Sat, 31 Jan 2009 16:34:27 -0500

Thanks for your quick response!
I confess I am still a little puzzled.
Why is one constraint redundant?
My three dummy variables are three categories of a nominal variable,
but my nominal variable has four categories. So, knowing the value of
two variables does not necessarily indicate the value of the third.

If the single tests are accumulated into "one big test", that does not seem to answer my question, which was to find out if the three coefficients vary among themselves. With three coefficients, isn't that three questions (does a=b, does b=c, does a=c)? How can "one big test" answer all
three questions?

In answer to your question, "Why open the dialog box for -testparm- before "submitting your analysis"?" it is because I am using menus rather than lines of code, and I could not see a way to ask for the what I wanted in the menu for "Statistics - Survey data analysis - Distribution-specific models - Linear regression".



At 03:59 PM 1/31/2009, you wrote:


Stata realizes that one constraint in your specification is redundant and
disregards it, just as it should... See [R] test, page 456. You can of
course accumulate the single -test-s into one big test one after the

webuse highschool, clear
svy: regress weight height state county school
test he=sch
test he=state,accum
test scho=state,accum

As the example shows, even then Stata recognizes the redundancy in the last

BTW, why open the dialog box for -testparm- before "submitting your


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Ted Fuller
Gesendet: Samstag, 31. Januar 2009 21:46
An: [email protected]
Betreff: st: Question about "testparm"

This is probably a pretty basic question.
I am using svyregress.
Before submitting my analysis, I opened the dialog box for "testparm"
and specified three variables and indicated that I wanted to test
whether the coefficients for these three variables were equal.
The output said:
(1) - var1 + var2 =0
(2) - var1 + var3 =0
    F(2, 338) = 13.10
        Prob > F = 0.0000

I thought I was going to get three tests:
(1) to see if the coefficient for var1 = coefficient for var2;
(2) to see if the coefficient for var1 = coefficient for var3;
(3) to see if the coefficient for var2 = coefficient for var3.

But I only got one test.
How can I get the three tests that I mentioned?
Ted Fuller

Theodore Fuller
Department of Sociology (0137)
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Phone: 540/231-8969

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Theodore Fuller
Department of Sociology (0137)
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Phone: 540/231-8969

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