Carl asks:
> Is there any way to place coefficients from different models in separate rows of a table with s.e. underneath, instead of placing coefficients from different models in separate columns?
Unfortunately, there is no option in -esttab- or -estout- to flip
models and coefficients, but here are two solutions for the problem.
Solution 1: -esttab- and -estout- return a matrix r(coefs) that
contains the tabulated results. You can run -esttab- or -estout- and
then run it again in matrix mode to transpose and tabulate r(coefs).
This approach is simple but the possibilities for formatting the table
are somewhat limited. Example:
---begin log---
. sysuse auto
(1978 Automobile Data)
. eststo model1: quietly reg price weight
. eststo model2: quietly reg price weight mpg
. esttab, se nostar
(1) (2)
price price
weight 2.044 1.747
(0.377) (0.641)
mpg -49.51
_cons -6.707 1946.1
(1174.4) (3597.0)
N 74 74
Standard errors in parentheses
. mat list r(coefs)
model1: model1: model2: model2:
b se b se
weight 2.0440626 .37683413 1.7465592 .64135379
mpg .z .z -49.512221 86.156039
_cons -6.7073534 1174.4296 1946.0687 3597.0496
. esttab r(coefs, transpose)
weight mpg _cons
b 2.044063 -6.707353
se .3768341 1174.43
b 1.746559 -49.51222 1946.069
se .6413538 86.15604 3597.05
---end log---
Solution 2: Again run -esttab- or -estout- to compile r(coefs) but
then, for each coefficient, collect the results and post them in e()
(i.e. post one "model" per coefficient). This approach requires some
programming but gives you full flexibility. Example:
---begin log---
. sysuse auto
(1978 Automobile Data)
. eststo model1: quietly reg price weight
. eststo model2: quietly reg price weight mpg
. esttab, se nostar
(1) (2)
price price
weight 2.044 1.747
(0.377) (0.641)
mpg -49.51
_cons -6.707 1946.1
(1174.4) (3597.0)
N 74 74
Standard errors in parentheses
. matrix C = r(coefs)
. eststo clear
. local rnames : rownames C
. local models : coleq C
. local models : list uniq models
. local i 0
. foreach name of local rnames {
2. local ++i
3. local j 0
4. capture matrix drop b
5. capture matrix drop se
6. foreach model of local models {
7. local ++j
8. matrix tmp = C[`i', 2*`j'-1]
9. if tmp[1,1]<. {
10. matrix colnames tmp = `model'
11. matrix b = nullmat(b), tmp
12. matrix tmp[1,1] = C[`i', 2*`j']
13. matrix se = nullmat(se), tmp
14. }
15. }
16. ereturn post b
17. quietly estadd matrix se
18. eststo `name'
19. }
. esttab, se mtitle noobs
(1) (2) (3)
weight mpg _cons
model1 2.044*** -6.707
(0.377) (1174.4)
model2 1.747** -49.51 1946.1
(0.641) (86.16) (3597.0)
Standard errors in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
---end log---
Here are the example do-files:
sysuse auto
eststo model1: quietly reg price weight
eststo model2: quietly reg price weight mpg
esttab, se nostar
mat list r(coefs)
esttab r(coefs, transpose)
sysuse auto
eststo model1: quietly reg price weight
eststo model2: quietly reg price weight mpg
esttab, se nostar
matrix C = r(coefs)
eststo clear
local rnames : rownames C
local models : coleq C
local models : list uniq models
local i 0
foreach name of local rnames {
local ++i
local j 0
capture matrix drop b
capture matrix drop se
foreach model of local models {
local ++j
matrix tmp = C[`i', 2*`j'-1]
if tmp[1,1]<. {
matrix colnames tmp = `model'
matrix b = nullmat(b), tmp
matrix tmp[1,1] = C[`i', 2*`j']
matrix se = nullmat(se), tmp
ereturn post b
quietly estadd matrix se
eststo `name'
esttab, se mtitle noobs
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