Statalist archive (ordered by date)
(last updated Thu Jul 31 23:59:40 2008)
- st: Fixed effect model with weight: xtivreg2 [aweight],fe?
- Re: st: RE: RE: Taking random samples from data
- RE: st: Cox Model Collinearity
- st: LOG2HTML -- size() option not allowed
- Re: st: Cox Model Collinearity
- Re: st: Implementing Censored Quantile Regression
- st: report predicted value for ivprobit
- RE: RE : RE : Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE:Re: Weak instruments)
- Fwd: st: Count no of unique occurrences in past 12 months
- Antwort: st: use of if command after commands with options
- RE: st: Question about multinomial logistic regression and random effects with multiply imputed data
- Re: st: TSCS estimator selection for unequally spaced data
- st: Taking random samples from data
- Re: st: use of if command after commands with options
- st: RE: Taking random samples from data
- st: RE: RE: Taking random samples from data
- st: use of if command after commands with options
- Re: st: use of if command after commands with options
- st: mean-centering to interpret interaction in treatreg
- Re: st: constructing a scale from factor analysis
- st: Sample Selection in Panels And Stata
- Re: st: use of if command after commands with options
- st: Count no of unique occurrences in past 12 months
- st: RE: constructing a scale from factor analysis
- st: RE: Does invnormal have a symbol?,
- st: IV and quantile regression
- Re: st: question with MLE and complex model
- st: Deploying platform-specific package
- Re: st: RE: RE: Taking random samples from data
- st: constructing a scale from factor analysis
- st: autocorrelation significance
- RE: st: Question about multinomial logistic regression and random effects with multiply imputed data
- st: Implementing Censored Quantile Regression
- Re: st: svy: tabulate or proportions
- RE: st: RE: Dialog Programming
- st: RE: Does invnormal have a symbol?
- RE: st: Monte Carlo simulations
- RE: st: RE: Dialog Programming
- st: Triprobit & mvprobit errors (trivariate probit model)
- st: Yahoo! Auto Response
- Re: st: How can I do a weighted logit?
- RE: st: RE: st: Monte Carlo simulations
- Re: st: question with MLE and complex model
- Re: st: RE: Decode categorical variable based on frequency
- RE: st: Monte Carlo simulations
- st: Does invnormal have a symbol?
- Re: st: question with MLE and complex model
- Re: st: element wise division of matrices
- Re: st: List command
- Re: st: RE: Dialog Programming
- Re: st: RE: Dialog Programming
- RE: st: How can I do a weighted logit?
- Re: st: RE: Dialog Programming
- st: Harounan Kazianga is out of the office.
- Re: st: RE: Dialog Programming
- RE: st: How can I do a weighted logit?
- st: Harounan Kazianga is out of the office.
- Re: st: How to achieve invisible bars in -graph bar-?
- st: RE: element wise division of matrices
- Re: st: How can I do a weighted logit?
- Re: st: svy: tabulate or proportions
- Re: st: RE: Dialog Programming
- Re: st: poverty/inequality analysis - follow-up
- st: element wise division of matrices
- RE: st: RE: Dialog Programming
- st: RE: Decode categorical variable based on frequency
- Re: st: RE: Dialog Programming
- Re: st: RE: Dialog Programming
- st: Decode categorical variable based on frequency
- RE: st: RE: Dialog Programming
- Re: st: question with MLE and complex model
- Re: st: question with MLE and complex model
- RE: st: Scatterplot: Weighted markers change size
- Re: st: question with MLE and complex model
- Re: st: How to achieve invisible bars in -graph bar-?
- Re: st: Scatterplot: Weighted markers change size
- RE: st: List command
- RE: st: List command
- Re: st: How to achieve invisible bars in -graph bar-?
- RE: st: How to achieve invisible bars in -graph bar-?
- Re: st: List command
- RE: st: List command
- RE: st: List command
- st: RE: List command
- RE: st: Help on data analysis strategy
- Re: st: List command
- Re: st: List command
- Re: st: List command
- Re: st: List command
- RE: st: List command
- Re: st: List command
- Re: st: How to achieve invisible bars in -graph bar-?
- Re: st: How to achieve invisible bars in -graph bar-?
- Re: st: RE: Dialog Programming
- st: List command
- Re: st: Trend analysis - independent surveys
- Re: st: How to achieve invisible bars in -graph bar-?
- st: RE: Dialog Programming
- Re: st: I can not open bank in state.
- RE: st: I can not open bank in state.
- Re: st: coding for McClements equivalence scale
- st: How to achieve invisible bars in -graph bar-?
- Re: st: question with MLE and complex model
- RE: st: I can not open bank in state.
- st: question with MLE and complex model
- Re: st: recoding sets of variables
- st: Truly novel software
- st: RE: Triprobit & mvprobit errors (trivariate probit model)
- RE: st: Triprobit & mvprobit errors (trivariate probit model)
- Re: st: recoding sets of variables
- st: RE: recoding sets of variables
- Re: st: recoding sets of variables
- Re: st: offset in zip regression model
- Re: st: Scatterplot: Weighted markers change size
- st: recoding sets of variables
- st: offset in zip regression model
- Re: st: I can not open bank in state.
- st: coding for McClements equivalence scale
- Re: st: poverty/inequality analysis - follow-up
- st: I can not open bank in state.
- RE: st: using the command substr in stata
- st: Triprobit & mvprobit errors (trivariate probit model)
- Re: st: probit with interaction dummies (significance and marginaleffects)
- st: coding for McClements equivalence scale
- Re: st: using the command substr in stata
- Re: st: Trend analysis - independent surveys
- Re: st: re: positivity
- Re: st: Simulation
- st: RE: using the command substr in stata
- st: Cox Model Collinearity
- Re: st: How can I do a weighted logit?
- st: How can I do a weighted logit?
- st: using the command substr in stata
- RE: st: Simulation
- st: Scatterplot: Weighted markers change size
- st: Simulation
- Re: st: Setting up optimize for 2 equations in 2 unknowns
- Re: st: Triprobit & mvprobit errors (trivariate probit model)
- Re: st: Question about multinomial logistic regression and random effects with multiply imputed data
- Re: st: svy: tabulate or proportions
- st: Question about multinomial logistic regression and random effects with multiply imputed data
- st: re: positivity
- RE: st: RE: Positivity
- st: Simple ML estimation question
- Re: st: Dialog Programming
- st: Dialog Programming
- Re: st: incorporating zipped files into do-files
- Re: st: Help on data analysis strategy
- RE: st: Help on data analysis strategy
- st: Triprobit & mvprobit errors (trivariate probit model)
- Re: st: RE: Manipulating dataset in stata
- Re: st: RE: Positivity
- st: RE: Manipulating dataset in stata
- RE: st: xtserial help
- st: RE: Positivity
- st: RE: Positivity
- Re: st: Manipulating dataset in stata
- Re: st: Positivity
- RE: st: Help on data analysis strategy
- Re: st: insufficient memory for matrix 11 r(950)
- st: Manipulating dataset in stata
- Re: st: time series and SUR
- st: Positivity
- Re: st: svy: tabulate or proportions
- Re: st: Test for heteroskedasticity in panel data
- Re: st: RE: insufficient memory for matrix 11 r(950)
- Re: st: svy: tabulate or proportions
- st: RE: insufficient memory for matrix 11 r(950)
- st: insufficient memory for matrix 11 r(950)
- Re: st: TSCS estimator selection for unequally spaced data
- re: st: Help on data analysis strategy
- st: Re: error message in survwgt rake
- st: hadrilm
- st: RE: seeking suggestions on how to illustrate data
- Re: st: time series and SUR
- Re: st: problems with global macros in mata
- st: time series and SUR
- Re: st: svy: tabulate or proportions
- RE: st: TeXnical query re SJ
- Re: st: RE: turn off legend of scatter plot
- st: nlsur+reg3
- st: Test for heteroskedasticity in panel data
- RE: st: probit with interaction dummies (significance and marginal effects)
- Re: st: TSCS estimator selection for unequally spaced data
- st: RE: turn off legend of scatter plot
- st: turn off legend of scatter plot
- Re: st: Setting up optimize for 2 equations in 2 unknowns
- Re: st: Post-editing of graphs by code?
- Re: st: Setting up optimize for 2 equations in 2 unknowns
- st: Setting up optimize for 2 equations in 2 unknowns
- Re: st: incorporating zipped files into do-files
- Re: st: interactions and subsets
- Re: st: interactions and subsets
- st: interactions and subsets
- st: query about one of nasug 2008 jul 24-25 presentations
- Re: st: RE: Stata tripping on braces
- st: RE: Dynamic Panel Data Analysis with T=3
- st: multiple imputations with propensity analyses
- st: seeking suggestions on how to illustrate data
- st: TSCS estimator selection for unequally spaced data
- st: Dynamic Panel Data Analysis with T=3
- RE: st: exporting ereturn matrices with outreg2
- Re: st: Stata tripping on braces
- Re: st: problems with global macros in mata
- st: RE: drop variable on condition
- st: RE: Stata tripping on braces
- st: RE: Data manipulation
- Re: st: Help on data analysis strategy
- st: Stata tripping on braces
- RE: st: probit with interaction dummies (significance and marginal effects)
- Re: st: Hausman test with "miest" command?
- st: Help on data analysis strategy
- st: problems with global macros in mata
- Re: st: mlogit and outreg after mlogit
- Re: st: tabulation of means, by group
- Re: st: tabulation of means, by group
- st: exporting ereturn matrices with outreg2
- st: mlogit and outreg after mlogit
- RE: st: help me please,about Stata
- Re: st: modifying sts graph display to suppress "by" label
- st: Selection modeling with multivariate probit
- Re: st: help me please,about Stata
- Re: st: non stationary time series with SUR
- Re: st: probit with interaction dummies (significance and marginal effects)
- Re: st: TeXnical query re SJ
- st: TeXnical query re SJ
- st: help me please,about Stata
- st: non stationary time series with SUR
- st: probit with interaction dummies (significance and marginal effects)
- RE: st: Statistical advice about multiple comparison...
- Re: st: tabulation of means, by group
- st: Hausman test with "miest" command?
- Re: st: RE: modifying sts graph display to suppress "by" label
- st: RE: modifying sts graph display to suppress "by" label
- st: modifying sts graph display to suppress "by" label
- st: Heteroscedastic Tobit
- Re: st: Option for repeating graph command
- Re: st: Option for repeating graph command
- st: tabulation of means, by group
- st: Option for repeating graph command
- Re: st: Graphing Question
- Re: st: Graphing Question
- st: Re: event study
- st: Re: statalist-digest V4 #3134
- Re: st: probit with interaction dummies (significance and marginal effects)
- Re: st: probit with interaction dummies (significance and marginaleffects)
- Re: st: colldiag
- Re: st: Graphing Question
- RE: st: Graphing Question
- st: Event study
- st: how to deal with two variables mutually determined variables with self-selectivity
- Re: st: Graphing Question
- RE: Re: st: probit with interaction dummies (significance and marginal effects)
- RE: st: Graphing Question
- Re: st: MIME-Version: 1.0
- st: MIME-Version: 1.0
- st: Two-way Hausman test
- st: R: Monte Carlo simulations
- Re: st: Graphing Question
- st: Stratified case-crossover analysis referent set creation
- RE: st: RE: cragg-donal test for weak instruments with heteroskedasticity
- st: first-differenced model with time-invariant variables
- st: MIM and non estimation commands
- Re: st: Graphing Question
- Re: st: ANOVA versus ANCOVA
- RE: st: Statistical advice about multiple comparison...
- st: Statistical advice about multiple comparison...
- st: two-way error component regression
- Re: st: Trend analysis - independent surveys
- Re: st: xtragar
- st: svy: tabulate or proportions
- RE: st: Monte Carlo simulations
- RE: st: RE: cragg-donal test for weak instruments with heteroskedasticity
- RE: st: RE: cragg-donal test for weak instruments with heteroskedasticity
- st: RE: Interpreting PCA output
- RE: st: RE: cragg-donal test for weak instruments with heteroskedasticity
- Re: st: ANOVA versus ANCOVA
- Re: st: ANOVA versus ANCOVA
- R: st: RE: cragg-donal test for weak instruments with heteroskedasticity
- st: Trend analysis - independent surveys
- st: ANOVA versus ANCOVA
- RE: st: probit with interaction dummies (significance and marginal effects)
- Re: st: nlcom code for marginal effect on interaction of continuos variables after clogit
- Re: st: Post-editing of graphs by code?
- Re: st: incorporating zipped files into do-files
- st: Monte Carlo simulations
- st: incorporating zipped files into do-files
- Re: st: nlcom code for marginal effect on interaction of continuos variables after clogit
- RE: st:"sum" showing varible labels
- st: RE: cragg-donal test for weak instruments with heteroskedasticity
- Re: st: -graph twoway (function ...)- question
- Re: st: nlcom code for marginal effect on interaction of continuos variables after clogit
- RE: st: syntax error help is needed
- st: cragg-donal test for weak instruments with heteroskedasticity
- st: Graphing Question
- Re: st:Measuring two time-spells
- Re: st: IV with missing values
- Re: st: syntax error help is needed
- RE:st:Measuring two time-spells
- st: syntax error help is needed
- Re: st: nlcom code for marginal effect on interaction of continuos variables after clogit
- Re: st: probit with interaction dummies (significance and marginal effects)
- Re: st: nlcom for xtmixed?
- st: multi-line edit boxes on dialogs
- Re: st: How to calculate the time elapsed between two transactions
- st: course in research administration
- Re: st:"sum" showing varible labels
- Re: st: How to perform GLM with nested observations
- st: Testing equality of coefficients between two linear random effects models
- Re: st: plotting regression coefficients
- Re: st: merge command
- Re: st: merge command
- Re: st: merge command
- st: merge command
- st: Fw: nlcom for xtmixed?
- st: nlcom for xtmixed?
- Re: st: -graph twoway (function ...)- question
- st: plotting regression coefficients
- st: one sided test
- Re: st: merge command
- st: merge command
- st: How to calculate the time elapsed between two transactions
- Re: st: Interpreting PCA output
- Re: st: -graph twoway (function ...)- question
- st: Re: changing adopath and profile.do with Mac OSX
- st: Re: changing adopah and profile.do with Mac OSX
- st: colldiag
- Re: st: Post-editing of graphs by code?
- st: nlcom code for marginal effect on interaction of continuos variables after clogit
- st: -graph twoway (function ...)- question
- st: Again some questions about data management (Stata10)
- Re: st: Interpreting PCA output
- st: ignoring "maximum number of iterations" error error in a loop
- st: RE: xtragar
- st: Re: Panel data and sparse data
- Re: st: Interpreting PCA output
- Re: st: Display ValuesLabels and NumericCodes in Tabulate Tables
- st: xtragar
- st: Interpreting PCA output
- Re: st: Svy mean using subpop and incorrect number of observations
- RE: st: How to perform GLM with nested observations
- Re: st: How to perform GLM with nested observations
- Re: st: How to perform GLM with nested observations
- Re: st: How to perform GLM with nested observations
- Re: st: changing adopath and profile.do with mac OSX
- st: Measuring two time-spells
- st: How to perform GLM with nested observations
- Re: st:"sum" showing varible labels
- st: Svy mean using subpop and incorrect number of observations
- Re: st: Data manipulation
- Re: st: changing adopath and profile.do with mac OSX
- Re: st: Post-editing of graphs by code?
- st: Post-editing of graphs by code?
- st: Re: changing adopath and profile.do with mac OSX
- Re: st: Problems with insheet within a foreach loop
- st: equivalence logit and clogit
- st: Problems with insheet within a foreach loop
- st: RE: bootstrapping problem: difference between two numbers
- st: bootstrapping problem: difference between two numbers
- st: time smoothing in panel data
- st: RE: Data manipulation
- st: Data manipulation
- st: intreg and missing standard errors follow up question
- st: Stata 9 not throwing error when merging with uniqusing and using not unique
- Re: st: replace an element in a matrix in stata
- Re: st:"sum" showing varible labels
- st: replace an element in a matrix in stata
- Re: st:"sum" showing varible labels
- st:"sum" showing varible labels
- Re: st: changing adopath and profile.do with mac OSX
- Re: st: Display ValuesLabels and NumericCodes in Tabulate Tables
- st: question about bivariate probit
- Re: st: -graph combine- problem
- st: Importing variable labels and notes
- Re: st: importing spss data
- Re: st: Code
- Re: st: Suppress a legend in overlaid twoway graphs
- st: RE: Code
- Re: st: Re: importing spss data
- Re: st: Code
- Re: st: Code
- Re: st: Suppress a legend in overlaid twoway graphs
- Re: st: Suppress a legend in overlaid twoway graphs
- Re: st: Suppress a legend in overlaid twoway graphs
- st: Suppress a legend in overlaid twoway graphs
- st: changing adopath and profile.do with mac OSX
- Re: st: importing spss data
- Re: st: importing spss data
- st: Code
- st: Re: importing spss data
- Re: st: importing spss data
- st: importing spss data
- RE: st: IV with missing values
- st: -margeff- question (interaction effects, -at- and -dummies- option)
- st: How to report two normally distributed variables with a correlation structure?
- Re: st: Svy regress using subpop and incorrect number of obs
- Re: st: Display ValuesLabels and NumericCodes in Tabulate Tables
- Re: st: Display ValuesLabels and NumericCodes in Tabulate Tables
- Re: st: Display ValuesLabels and NumericCodes in Tabulate Tables
- st: -inteff- with categorical dummies?
- Re: st: varnorm: rejection of the null hypothesis
- Re: st: Display ValuesLabels and NumericCodes in Tabulate Tables
- Re: st: IV with missing values
- st: Display ValuesLabels and NumericCodes in Tabulate Tables
- Re: st: RE: Creating a Non-Self Mean (Score)
- Re: st: IV with missing values
- Re: st: varnorm: rejection of the null hypothesis
- st: IV with missing values
- st: Svy regress using subpop and incorrect number of obs
- st: problem with jknife command in ado files
- Re: st: Type of data (time-series and panel-data)
- Re: st: mvprobit and changing results
- Re: st: varnorm: rejection of the null hypothesis
- st: poverty/inequality analysis
- st: varnorm: rejection of the null hypothesis
- Re: st: automatically label interaction terms
- st: -cmp- additions
- Re: st: mvprobit and changing results
- Re: st: poverty/inequality analysis
- Re: st: -graph combine- problem
- st: -graph combine- problem
- Re: st: poverty/inequality analysis
- Re: st: poverty/inequality analysis
- Re: st: poverty/inequality analysis
- Re: st: poverty/inequality analysis
- st: mvprobit and changing results
- st: stci with weights
- st: stci with weights
- st: working with dates
- Re: st: working with dates
- Re: st: poverty/inequality analysis
- Re: st: automatically label interaction terms
- st: poverty/inequality analysis
- Re: st: Computing GDP growth using a log-linear regression
- Re: st: Computing GDP growth using a log-linear regression
- Re: st: automatically label interaction terms
- Re: st: Computing GDP growth using a log-linear regression
- st: automatically label interaction terms
- st: Computing GDP growth using a log-linear regression
- Re: st: drop variable on condition
- Re: st: is this a missing value issue? (-if- command used)
- Re: st: mfx
- Re: st: is this a missing value issue? (-if- command used)
- Re: st: is this a missing value issue? (-if- command used)
- Re: st: mfx
- Re: st: is this a missing value issue? (-if- command used)
- Re: st: is this a missing value issue? (-if- command used)
- Re: st: mfx
- Re: st: mfx
- st: is this a missing value issue? (-if- command used)
- Re: st: drop variable on condition
- Re: st: drop variable on condition
- Re: st: mfx
- st: drop variable on condition
- st: Generating random variable with specified effect size between groups
- Re: st: outputst
- Re: st: LOG2HTML -- size() option not allowed
- st: RE: drop 'em OR it depends
- Re: st: LOG2HTML -- size() option not allowed
- st: LOG2HTML -- size() option not allowed
- Re: st: QAP
- st: QAP
- Re: st: Panel Data Analysis Question
- st: drop 'em OR it depends
- st: Panel Data Analysis Question
- Re: st: xtserial help
- st: xtserial help
- st: Type of data (time-series and panel-data)
- Re: st: Type of data (time-series and panel-data)
- Re: st: Type of data (time-series and panel-data)
- Re: st: bar chart fill patterns? use tabplot
- Re: st: Test for unit root processes
- st: Type of data (time-series and panel-data)
- st: Test for unit root processes
- Re: st: mfx
- st: # observations used in a fixed effects model
- Re: st: adding a variable to a macro
- RE: st: gradient for each observation from ml
- RE: st: Command related to putting categories into separate columns
- RE : st: Command related to putting categories into separate columns
- Re: st: mfx
- Re: st: Command related to putting categories into separate columns
- st: Generating random variable with specified effect size between groups
- Re: st: Command related to putting categories into separate columns
- Re: st: Command related to putting categories into separate columns
- st: Command related to putting categories into separate columns
- Re: st: adding a variable to a macro
- st: adding a variable to a macro
- Re: st: mfx
- Re: st: transposing data set
- Re: st: transposing data set
- st: transposing data set
- Re: st: gradient for each observation from ml
- Re: st: RE: rank-sum test for clustered data
- st: gradient for each observation from ml
- st: RE: rank-sum test for clustered data
- [no subject]
- Re: st: Is there a kind of stochasticity in the execution ofxthtaylor?
- Re: st: mfx
- Re: st: rank-sum test for clustered data
- st: mfx
- st: RE: transposing a dataset
- st: rank-sum test for clustered data
- Re: RE : RE : Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re: Weak instruments)
- RE : RE : Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re:Weak instruments)
- Re: st: Using odbc load, table with MySQL
- Re: st: Using odbc load, table with MySQL
- st: transposing a dataset
- st: Bootstrap ordered heckman with 2SLS in second stage
- RE: st: Stata and biology/biomedical sciences
- Re: st: probit with interaction dummies (significance and marginal effects)
- st: panel data: creating a nonlinear decay function
- Re: st: Wide .csv file is too wide
- st: Using odbc load, table with MySQL
- st: Bootstrap ordered heckman with 2SLS in secondstage
- Fwd: st: Using odbc load, table with MySQL
- Re: st: Using odbc load, table with MySQL
- st: Wide .csv file is too wide
- st: Stata Users' Meeting, London 8/9 September 2008: second call for papers
- st: RE: time and stata-graphs
- st: time and stata-graphs
- RE: RE : Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re: Weak instruments)
- RE: st: outputst
- RE: RE : Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re: Weak instruments)
- RE: RE : Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re: Weak instruments)
- RE: RE : Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re: Weak instruments)
- Re: st: outputst
- Re: st: Heckman & simultaneous Equations procedures
- st: outputst
- RE: RE : Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re: Weak instruments)
- RE: RE : Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re: Weak instruments)
- RE: RE : Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re: Weak instruments)
- RE: st: RE: Help with data management
- RE: RE : Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re: Weak instruments)
- Re: st: probit with interaction dummies (significance and marginal effects)
- RE: RE : Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re: Weak instruments)
- Re: st: RE: Help with data management
- Re: st: probit with interaction dummies (significance and marginal effects)
- RE: RE : Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re: Weak instruments)
- Re: st: Is there a kind of stochasticity in the execution ofxthtaylor?
- Re: st: Is there a kind of stochasticity in the execution ofxthtaylor?
- RE: RE : Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re: Weak instruments)
- Re: st: cluster and F test
- Re: st: Is there a kind of stochasticity in the execution ofxthtaylor?
- Re: st: Is there a kind of stochasticity in the execution ofxthtaylor?
- Re: st: Is there a kind of stochasticity in the execution of xthtaylor?
- Re: st: RE: Stata doesn't complain about non-existent value label
- Re: st: Stata doesn't complain about non-existent value label
- st: RE: Stata doesn't complain about non-existent value label
- Re: RE : Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re: Weak instruments)
- Re: st: probit with interaction dummies (significance and marginal effects)
- RE : Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re: Weakinstruments)
- RE: RE : Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re: Weak instruments)
- st: -ivreg2- updated
- Re: st: Wildcard for string variables
- RE: st: RE: Help with data management
- st: probit with interaction dummies (significance and marginal effects)
- st: Stata doesn't complain about non-existent value label
- Re: st: re: heteroskedasticity and fixed effects
- Re: st: cluster and F test
- Re: st: Wildcard for string variables
- Re: RE : Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re: Weak instruments)
- [no subject]
- Re: st: re: heteroskedasticity and fixed effects
- RE: st: Wildcard for string variables
- RE: st: Wildcard for string variables
- RE: st: Wildcard for string variables
- Re: st: Wildcard for string variables
- Re: st: Wildcard for string variables
- Re: st: Wildcard for string variables
- Re: st: cluster and F test
- st: Wildcard for string variables
- Re: RE : Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re: Weak instruments)
- st: re: heteroskedasticity and fixed effects
- [no subject]
- RE: Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re: Weak instruments)
- RE: st: RE: Help with data management
- RE : Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re: Weakinstruments)
- st: re: heteroskedasticity and fixed effects
- Re: Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re: Weak instruments)
- st: RE: bar chart fill patterns? use tabplot
- [no subject]
- st: RE: local/global macro in regression
- st: bar chart fill patterns? use tabplot
- RE: st: Stata and biology/biomedical sciences
- st: Re:ordered Heckman help
- Re: st: local/global macro in regression
- st:2008 Fall North American Stata Users Group meeting
- Heteroskedasticity and fixed effects (was: st: RE: Re: Weak instruments)
- Re: st: Using odbc load, table with MySQL
- st: local/global macro in regression
- Re: st: RE: Re: Weak instruments
- st: Using odbc load, table with MySQL
- Re: st: egen and Mata
- RE: st: Stata and biology/biomedical sciences
- [no subject]
- Re: st: Is there a kind of stochasticity in the execution of xthtaylor?
- Re: st: GLLAMM model when overdispersed poisson data
- Re: st: Stata code for Simex
- Re: st: Is there a kind of stochasticity in the execution of xthtaylor?
- Re: st: Stata and biology/biomedical sciences
- [no subject]
- Re: st: Is there a kind of stochasticity in the execution of xthtaylor?
- RE: st: Clarify error message
- Re: st: Programming Problem: How to prevent macro substitution
- RE: st: Stata and biology/biomedical sciences
- Re: st: Stata and biology/biomedical sciences
- RE: st: Stata and biology/biomedical sciences
- RE: st: Programming Problem: How to prevent macro substitution
- Re: st: Programming Problem: How to prevent macro substitution
- st: RE: Stata and biology/biomedical sciences
- Re: st: Stata and biology/biomedical sciences
- Re: st: RE: Panel data and sparse data
- RE: st: Clarify error message
- RE: st: Programming Problem: How to prevent macro substitution
- st: ODBC again
- Re: st: Programming Problem: How to prevent macro substitution
- st: RE: Fwd: problem with regexm
- st: Stata code for Simex
- st: Stata and biology/biomedical sciences
- Re: st: Programming Problem: How to prevent macro substitution
- RE: st: Programming Problem: How to prevent macro substitution
- Re: st: egen and Mata
- Re: st: Programming Problem: How to prevent macro substitution
- Re: st: egen and Mata
- RE: st: creating dummy variables out of categorical variables
- st: RE: creating dummy variables out of categorical variables
- Re: st: creating dummy variables out of categorical variables
- st: Programming Problem: How to prevent macro substitution
- st: RE: Breusch-Godfrey test
- st: creating dummy variables out of categorical variables
- Re: st: egen and Mata
- st: RE: Panel data and sparse data
- st: GLLAMM model when overdispersed poisson data
- st: AW: RE: duplicates drop
- Re: st: create keyboard shotcuts on Apple Mac
- st: RE: duplicates drop
- Re: st: question about dummies for time periods
- st: duplicates drop
- st: RE: -forval- with -inequal7-
- Re: st: Problem opening do.file: help is appreciated
- Re: st: RE: RE: -impute- variable creates only type 'float'
- Re: st: Is there a kind of stochasticity in the execution of xthtaylor?
- st: Is there a kind of stochasticity in the execution of xthtaylor?
- Re: st: RE: RE: -impute- variable creates only type 'float'
- st: question about dummies for time periods
- [no subject]
- [no subject]
- st: RE: RE: RE: -impute- variable creates only type 'float'
- [no subject]
- Re: st: RE: RE: -impute- variable creates only type 'float'
- st: Breusch-Godfrey test
- Re: st: RE: RE: -impute- variable creates only type 'float'
- [no subject]
- [no subject]
- st: RE: RE: -impute- variable creates only type 'float'
- st: Fwd: problem with regexm
- st: Panel data and sparse data
- Re: st: Problem opening do.file STATA8: help is appreciated
- st: RE: Problem opening do.file: help is appreciated
- st: Problem opening do.file STATA8: help is appreciated
- st: Problem opening do.file: help is appreciated
- Re: st: egen and Mata
- st: egen and Mata
- st: -denton- updated
- RE: st: RE: Help with data management
- RE: st: RE: Help with data management
- Re: st: RE: Help with data management
- Re: st: RE: RE: -forval- with -inequal7-
- [no subject]
- st: RE: xtoverid error: internal reestimation of eqn differs from original
- st: RE: RE: -impute- variable creates only type 'float'
- st: RE: -impute- variable creates only type 'float'
- Re: st: cluster and F test
- st: Re: RE: RE: -forval- with -inequal7-
- st: RE: RE: Consolidating data
- st: RE: RE: -forval- with -inequal7-
- st: RE: RE: -forval- with -inequal7-
- st: RE: Panel Data Questions
- st: RE: -forval- with -inequal7-
- st: Panel Data Questions
- Re: st: correlation matrix
- st: Calculating congruence coefficients in Stata
- Re: st: correlation matrix
- st: RE: Re: replacing values in a variable with rowsums, aka "ereplace"
- st: correlation matrix
- st: Panel Data Questions
- st: Re: replacing values in a variable with rowsums, aka "ereplace"
- st: RE: Consolidating data
- Re: st: Consolidating data
- Re: st: problems with merging datasets
- st: Consolidating data
- st: New module on SSC
- Re: st: -impute- variable creates only type 'float'
- st: -impute- variable creates only type 'float'
- Re: st: cluster and F test
- Re: st: ordered heckman help
- st: ordered heckman help
- Re: st: An ado file for quickly switching working directories
- st: RE: -forval- with -inequal7-
- st: An ado file for quickly switching working directories
- st: Bounces
- st: -forval- with -inequal7-
- [no subject]
- st: new ml evaluator type needed?/cmp upgrade
- Re: st: reading in huge dataset using "odbc"
- st: replacing values in a variable with rowsums, aka "ereplace"
- st: RE: Help with data management
- st: RE: reading in huge dataset using "odbc"
- st: RE: RE: xt graphs
- st: RE: xt graphs
- RE: st: RE: Creating a Non-Self Mean (Score)
- Re: st: Clarify error message
- st: RE: replacing values in a variable with rowsums, aka "ereplace"
- RE: st: xt graphs
- RE: st: Clarify error message
- st: RE: replacing values in a variable with rowsums, aka "ereplace"
- Re: st: xt graphs
- st: xt graphs
- st: replacing values in a variable with rowsums, aka "ereplace"
- st: reading in huge dataset using "odbc"
- Re: st: RE: difficult merging issue
- Re: st: Clarify error message
- Re: st: Clarify error message
- Re: st: Clarify error message
- st: Clarify error message
- RE: st: RE: Creating a Non-Self Mean (Score)
- st: RE: Help with data management
- Re: st: RE: Creating a Non-Self Mean (Score)
- st: RE: difficult merging issue
- Re: st: R: memory problem when using odbe to read in large dataset
- RE: st: R: memory problem when using odbe to read in large dataset
- R: st: R: memory problem when using odbe to read in large dataset
- Re: st: R: memory problem when using odbe to read in large dataset
- Re: st: R: memory problem when using odbe to read in large dataset
- Re: st: R: memory problem when using odbe to read in large dataset
- st: R: memory problem when using odbe to read in large dataset
- Starting new messages [was: Re: st: What is i. ?]
- Re: st: What is i. ?
- st: memory problem when using odbe to read in large dataset
- st: RE: correlation in multiple imputation dataset
- Re: st: Multivariate Poisson - Correlation of Error Terms
- Re: st: Strange behaviour with passing parameters to a Stata program
- Re: st: Strange behaviour with passing parameters to a Stata program
- Re: st: Strange behaviour with passing parameters to a Stata program
- st: Strange behaviour with passing parameters to a Stata program
- st: difficult merging issue
- Re: st: problems with merging datasets
- st: Error message in GLLAMM output
- Re: st: question about permutation combinations of rows in stata
- st: question about permutation combinations of rows in stata
- st: Re: problem with missing data in a loop
- st: Help with data management
- Re: st: unexplainable probit results
- Re: st: How do I test that two subsample have different coefficient of variation?
- Re: st: Graph fonts
- Re: st: How do I test that two subsample have different coefficient of variation?
- RE: st: How do I test that two subsample have different coefficient of variation?
- Re: st: RE: Simple way to calculate modality of non-normal variables
- Re: st: use -nlsur- to deal with nonlinear IV estimation?
- RE: st: How do I test that two subsample have different coefficient of variation?
- Re: st: problems with merging datasets
- Re: st: -ml- with method -lf- : how to obtain scores after estimation
- Re: st: problems with merging datasets
- st: use -nlsur- to deal with nonlinear IV estimation?
- Re: st: -ml- with method -lf- : how to obtain scores after estimation
- Re: st: problems with merging datasets
- st: -ml- with method -lf- : how to obtain scores after estimation
- st: Re: Capture syntax
- Re: st: Output tables, tabulations, etc to a text file
- st: RE: i. ?
- st: Graph fonts
- st: problems with merging datasets
- Re: st: suest with multinomial logit
- Re: st: nlcom question
- st: nlcom question
- st: demographic standardization after treatreg
- Re: st: Re: Capture syntax
- Re: st: bootstrapping
- RE: st: RE: Re: Capture syntax
- Re: st: bootstrapping
- st: RE: Simple way to calculate modality of non-normal variables
- Re: st: RE: Re: Capture syntax
- Re: st: bootstrapping
- Re: st: unexplainable probit results
- st: RE: Re: Capture syntax
- Re: st: bootstrapping
- RE: st: How do I test that two subsample have different coefficient of variation?
- st: Re: Capture syntax
- Re: st: bootstrapping
- Re: st: unexplainable probit results
- RE: st: How do I test that two subsample have different coefficient of variation?
- Re: st: bootstrapping
- Re: st: bootstrapping
- Re: st: bootstrapping
- st: RE: RE: xtoverid error: internal reestimation of eqn differs from original
- [no subject]
- Re: st: cluster and F test
- st: RE : unexplainable probit results
- st: Simple way to calculate modality of non-normal variables
- st: suest with multinomial logit
- st: unexplainable probit results
- st: RE: xtoverid error: internal reestimation of eqn differs from original
- Re: st: Output tables, tabulations, etc to a text file
- RE: st: How do I test that two subsample have different coefficient of variation?
- RE: st: How do I test that two subsample have different coefficient of variation?
- RE: st: How do I test that two subsample have different coefficient of variation?
- st: RE: RE: RE: i. ?
- st: RE: RE: i. ?
- st: RE: i. ?
- Re: st: bootstrapping
- Re: st: i. ?
- st: What is i. ?
- st: i. ?
- Re: st: How do I test that two subsample have different coefficient of variation?
- st: bootstrapping
- st: XBRL format
- Re: st: Some questions about editors and directory management
- st: RE: How do I test that two subsample have different coefficient of variation?
- Re: st: How do I test that two subsample have different coefficient of variation?
- RE: st: Silly addenda
- st: How do I test that two subsample have different coefficient of variation?
- Re: st: Silly addenda
- Re: st: non-linear GMM
- st: non-linear GMM
- Re: st: Intepreting: "IV estimates are biased towards OLS estimates with weak instruments"
- Re: st: Output tables, tabulations, etc to a text file
- RE: st: Intepreting: "IV estimates are biased towards OLS estimates with weak instruments"
- RE: st: do group identifiers identify the same groups?
- Re: st: problem with missing data in a loop
- Re: st: Some questions about editors and directory management
- Re: st: Output tables, tabulations, etc to a text file
- Re: st: Intepreting: "IV estimates are biased towards OLS estimates with weak instruments"
- Re: st: RE: recode & set old label value
- st: RE: problem with missing data in a loop
- Re: st: Silly addenda
- st: RE: RE: xtoverid error: internal reestimation of eqn differs from original
- Re: st: Some questions about editors and directory management
- st: Intepreting: "IV estimates are biased towards OLS estimates with weak instruments"
- st: RE: Some questions about editors and directory management
- st: RE: recode & set old label value
- st: recode & set old label value
- st: Output tables, tabulations, etc to a text file
- Re: st: problem with missing data in a loop
- st: problem with missing data in a loop
- st: loop problem with missing data
- st: loop problem with missing data
- Re: st: Silly addenda
- Re: st: building a "dream" stata desktop sestup - what's your advise?
- Re: st: using the same macro in program & mata
- st: Output tables, tabulations, etc to a text file
- st: xtlogit is slow
- Re: st: Silly addenda
- st: Silly addenda
- st: RE: xtoverid error: internal reestimation of eqn differs from original
- st: SNASUG '08 final program announcement
- Re: st: re: building a 'dream' stata desktop setup
- Re: st: Some questions about editors and directory management
- Re: st: Some questions about editors and directory management
- st: Some questions about editors and directory management
- st: re: building a 'dream' stata desktop setup
- Re: st: Multivariate Poisson - Correlation of Error Terms
- Re: st: do group identifiers identify the same groups?
- st: RE: do group identifiers identify the same groups?
- Re: st: subpop() option of svy commands
- Re: st: do group identifiers identify the same groups?
- RE: st: do group identifiers identify the same groups?
- Re: st: re: building a 'dream' stata desktop setup
- Re: st: creating keyboard shorcuts on windows
- st: subpop() option of svy commands
- Re: st: do group identifiers identify the same groups?
- st: creating keyboard shorcuts on windows
- Re: st: Does Windows 2003 Server Provide a means to use more than 2GB of memory?
- Re: st: create keyboard shotcuts on Apple Mac
- Re: st: create keyboard shotcuts on Apple Mac
- Re: st: create keyboard shotcuts on Apple Mac
- Re: st: create keyboard shotcuts on Apple Mac
- st: Posting Quirk - Any Suggestions?
- st: RE:Does Windows 2003 Server Provide a means to use more than 2GB of memory?
- Re: st: do group identifiers identify the same groups?
- Re: st: Does Windows 2003 Server Provide a means to use more than 2GB of memory?
- st: RE: create keyboard shotcuts on Apple Mac
- Re: st: Does Windows 2003 Server Provide a means to use more than2GB of memory?
- Re: st: create keyboard shotcuts on Apple Mac
- st: do group identifiers identify the same groups?
- Re: st: create keyboard shotcuts on Apple Mac
- st: create keyboard shotcuts on Apple Mac
- Re: st: xtlogit is slow
- Re: st: Does Windows 2003 Server Provide a means to use more than 2GB of memory?
- RE: st: RE: Interpreting -pergram- results
- RE: st: xtlogit is slow
- st: RE: RE: xtoverid error: internal reestimation of eqn differs from original
- st: dealing with 0 in cells in 2x2 tables
- st: RE: a question for you
- st: RE: How to add a new variable with a specified correlation structure
- st: RE: How to add a new variable with a specified correlation structure
- st: a question for you
- st: RE: GAM using Stata 10
- st: RE: xtoverid error: internal reestimation of eqn differs from original
- st: Does Windows 2003 Server Provide a means to use more than 2GB of memory?
- Re: st: Multivariate Poisson - Correlation of Error Terms
- Re: st: merge: "variable does not uniquely identify observations in the master data"
- st: merge: "variable does not uniquely identify observations in the masterdata"
- st: How to add a new variable with a specified correlation structure
- Re: st: RE: Interpreting -pergram- results
- Re: st: re: building a 'dream' stata desktop setup
- Re: st: re: building a 'dream' stata desktop setup
- Re: st: re: building a 'dream' stata desktop setup
- RE: st: GAM using Stata 10
- RE: st: re: building a 'dream' stata desktop setup
- st: Multivariate Poisson - Correlation of Error Terms
- st: RE: switching model
- st: RE: Interpreting -pergram- results
- RE: st: Mata versus Matlab
- Re: st: using robust standard errors in sqreg
- Re: st: Estimating total factor productivity
- st: How to use [metan] for HR, lowerCI and upperCI?
- Re: st: How to add a new variable with a specified correlation structure
- st: using robust standard errors in sqreg
- Re: st: building a "dream" stata desktop sestup - what's your advise?
- Re: st: xtlogit is slow
- st: How to add a new variable with a specified correlation structure
- Re: st: xtlogit is slow
- RE: st: building a "dream" stata desktop sestup - what's youradvise?
- st: RE: How to add a new variable with a specified correlation structure
- st: How to use [metan] for HR, lowerCI and upperCI?
- Re: st: cluster and F test
- st: How to add a new variable with a specified correlation structure
- st: How to use [metan] for HR, lowerCI and upperCI?
- Re: st: using the same macro in program & mata
- Re: st: using the same macro in program & mata
- Re: st: re: building a 'dream' stata desktop setup
- st: RE: Notepad with Stata - blockbegin problem
- Re: st: re: building a 'dream' stata desktop setup
- Re: st: re: building a 'dream' stata desktop setup
- st: perfect collinearity between age and year in fixed effectsestimation and time dummies
- Re: st: Statistics for Impact Assessment ???
- st: Statistics for Impact Assessment ???
- st: Notepad with Stata - blockbegin problem
- RE: st: Mata versus Matlab
- Re: st: re: building a 'dream' stata desktop setup
- st: re: building a 'dream' stata desktop setup
- Re: st: re: building a 'dream' stata desktop setup
- RE: st: xtlogit is slow
- Re: st: GAM using Stata 10
- st: GAM using Stata 10
- RE: st: xtlogit is slow
- st: re: building a 'dream' stata desktop setup
- st: perfect collinearity between age and year in fixed effects estimation and time dummies
- Re: st: subinstr "
- RE: st: xtlogit is slow
- st: subinstr "
- st: switching model
- Re: st: cluster and F test
- RE: st: programming loops for regressions
- Re: st: using the same macro in program & mata
- st: using the same macro in program & mata
- Re: st: How to run Granger Causality Test?
- Re: st: Mata versus Matlab
- st: Interpreting -pergram- results
- Re: st: programming loops for regressions
- st: RE: programming loops for regressions
- st: programming loops for regressions
- Re: st: STATA and Mac system
- Re: st: STATA and Mac system
- st: Stock-Yogo Critical Values with 6 endogenous variables
- RE: st: Mata versus Matlab
- Re: st: e-postcard
- Re: st: instruments in ivprobit
- st: Nested logit
- st: Estimating total factor productivity
- st: RE: zanthro
- RE: st: RE: connection to Stata
- Re: st: RE: Problem with METAN (forest plot)...
- st: RE: RE: How to run Granger Causality Test?
- st: A simple program with a weird behavior
- st: -overid- bug fixed
- st: Fitting time-series models to international associationfootball performance: pooled-countries TSCS or single-country ARIMA?
- Re: st: xtlogit is slow
- Re: st: xtlogit is slow
- RE: st: xtlogit is slow
- st: Latent growth with predictors and sequelae of change
- st: -cmp- adds multinomial probit
- st: re: reading in multiple worksheet excel data
- RE: st: Xtlogit: two different groups, two different RE
- st: RE: Estimating total factor productivity
- st: RE: How to run Granger Causality Test?
- Re: st: A simple program with a weird behavior
- Re: st: STATA and Mac system
- st: e-postcard
- st: How to run Granger Causality Test?
- RE: st: RE: RE: reading in multiple worksheet excel data
- st: Estimating total factor productivity
- Re: st: cluster and F test
- Re: st: keeping inventory while cleaning data
- st: RE: A simple program with a weird behavior
- Re: st: A simple program with a weird behavior
- st: building a "dream" stata desktop sestup - what's your advise?
- st: A simple program with a weird behavior
- Re: st: reading in multiple worksheet excel data
- Re: st: RE: configure regression output
- Re: st: configure regression output
- Re: st: STATA and Mac system
- Re: st: STATA and Mac system
- Re: st: curious behavior of drop
- st: STATA and Mac system
- Re: st: curious behavior of drop
- Re: st: reading in multiple worksheet excel data
- st: keeping inventory while cleaning data
- RE: st: RE: curious behavior of drop
- RE: st: RE: curious behavior of drop
- Re: st: Running 32 Bit Stata IC 10 on 64 Bit Stata
- Re: st: RE: curious behavior of drop
- st: RE: configure regression output
- Re: st: configure regression output
- st: configure regression output
- RE: st: RE: curious behavior of drop
- st: 64-bit console version for Mac OS X?
- Re: st: RE: curious behavior of drop
- RE: st: xtlogit is slow
- st: RE: curious behavior of drop
- st: curious behavior of drop
- st: re: connection to Stata
- Re: st: RE: connection to Stata
- Re: st: RE: connection to Stata
- Re: st: cluster and F test
- RE: st: RE: connection to Stata
- [no subject]
- RE: st: RE: connection to Stata
- Re: st: RE: connection to Stata
- Re: st: RE: connection to Stata
- st: RE: connection to Stata
- st: connection to Stata
- st: xtlogit is slow
- Re: st: cluster and F test
- st: Nested logit with purely individual-specific data. STATA10
- Re: st: Fitting time-series models to international association football performance: pooled-countries TSCS or single-country ARIMA?
- st: Fitting time-series models to international association football performance: pooled-countries TSCS or single-country ARIMA?
- Re: st: cluster and F test
- Re: st: a stat question
- Re: st: reading in multiple worksheet excel data
- RE: st: Simultaneous equations with panel data
- st: interpreting and extracting output from cqreg or other bootstrapped estimators
- Re: st: Simultaneous equations with panel data
- st: New version of xdatelist on SSC
- st: New versions of smileplot, factext and lincomest on SSC
- st: Simultaneous equations with panel data
- Re: st: while loop
- st: RE: while loop
- st: while loop
- st: zanthro
- RE: st: RE: Re: xtpmg installation
- Thanks Re: st: re: question concerning xtreg & xtivreg2
- Re: st: reading in multiple worksheet excel data
- st: RE: Re: xtpmg installation
- Re: st: RE: Re: xtpmg installation
- st: RE: Re: Augmented Dickey-Fuller or and Phillips-Perron
- st: RE: RE: RE: reading in multiple worksheet excel data
- Re: st: Re: xtpmg installation
- st: Testing goodness of fit
- RE: st: RE: RE: reading in multiple worksheet excel data
- st: multinomial logit panel
- Re: st: RE: RE: reading in multiple worksheet excel data
- st: RE: RE: RE: reading in multiple worksheet excel data
- st: RE: RE: reading in multiple worksheet excel data
- st: re: question concerning xtreg & xtivreg2
- st: Re: xtpmg installation
- st: Re: Augmented Dickey-Fuller or and Phillips-Perron
- st: German Stata Users Group Meetings, June 2008
- st: cluster and F test
- st: RE: RE: reading in multiple worksheet excel data
- st: RE: Cox model with shared frailty
- st: Cox model with shared frailty
- Re: st: Augmented Dickey-Fuller or and Philips-Perron
- Re: st: Mata versus Matlab
- st: a stat question
- Re: st: reading in multiple worksheet excel data
- st: Augmented Dickey-Fuller or and Philips-Perron
- st: RE: reading in multiple worksheet excel data
- Re: st: RE: Creating a Non-Self Mean (Score)
- Re: st: re: xtpmg installation
- st: reading in multiple worksheet excel data
- st: question concerning xtreg & xtivreg2
- st: question concerning xtreg & xtivreg2
- Re: st: Percent correctly predicted after Asclogit or Clogit
- st: New version of eclplot on SSC
- st: re: xtpmg installation
- st: RE: xtpmg installation.
- st: Creating a Non-Self Mean (Score)
- Re: st: xtpmg installation.
- st: RE: xtpmg installation.
- Re: st: Mlogit and gllamm
- st: xtpmg installation.
- RE: st: Mlogit and gllamm
- st: Ordinal Probit Scores
- Re: st: data management issue (names listed differently)
- st: RE: Creating a Non-Self Mean (Score)
- st: Creating a Non-Self Mean (Score)
- RE: st: data management issue (names listed differently)
- RE: st: -mylabels- updated on SSC
- st: Update of -evhistplot-
- Re: st: Mlogit and gllamm
- Re: st: log of zero
- Re: st:advantage of using #delimit ;
- Re: st: data management issue (names listed differently)
- st: RE: advantage of using #delimit ;
- st:advantage of using #delimit ;
- Re: st: montecarlo simulations with actual distributions
- st: Mlogit and gllamm
- Re: st: -mylabels- updated on SSC
- st: RE: help! Strange error in Stata
- Re: st: log of zero
- Re: st: help! Strange error in Stata
- Re: st: RE: recording date and year
- st: RE: help! Strange error in Stata
- Re: st: data management issue (names listed differently)
- st: RE: recording date and year
- st: RE: recording date and year
- st: recording date and year
- st: help! Strange error in Stata
- Re: st: data management issue (names listed differently)
- Re: st: data management issue (names listed differently)
- Re: st: data management issue (names listed differently)
- RE: R: st: RE: montecarlo simulations with actual distributions
- st: data management issue (names listed differently)
- RE: R: st: RE: montecarlo simulations with actual distributions
- RE: R: st: RE: montecarlo simulations with actual distributions
- Re: st: Comparing nested regression models
- st: dropped a time dummy in a fixed effects regression with age
- Re: st: RE: Clustered Robust Standard Errors or Robust Standard Errors?
- Re: st: Comparing nested regression models
- Re: st: Comparing nested regression models
- [no subject]
- Re: st: Comparing nested regression models
- RE: R: st: RE: montecarlo simulations with actual distributions
- st: How to test autocorrelation in the disturbance in a system ofequations?
- R: R: st: RE: montecarlo simulations with actual distributions
- RE: R: st: RE: montecarlo simulations with actual distributions
- RE: R: st: RE: montecarlo simulations with actual distributions
- RE: R: st: RE: montecarlo simulations with actual distributions
- RE : st:How to test autocorrelation in the disturbance in a systemof equations?
- st: re: overid after reg3
- st: -mylabels- updated on SSC
- st: overid after reg3
- R: st: RE: montecarlo simulations with actual distributions
- RE: st: RE: montecarlo simulations with actual distributions
- st: RE: inputst
- RE: st: RE: montecarlo simulations with actual distributions
- RE: st: RE: montecarlo simulations with actual distributions
- RE: st: RE: montecarlo simulations with actual distributions
- Re: st: RE: montecarlo simulations with actual distributions
- RE: st: log of zero
- RE: st: log of zero
- st: RE: montecarlo simulations with actual distributions
- Re: st: log of zero
- st: montecarlo simulations with actual distributions
- R: st: R: Log of nonpositive numbers
- st: RE: log of zero
- st: RE: -parplot- updated on SSC
- st: log of zero
- Re: st: Comparing nested regression models
- st: inequality measures, and dynamic decomposition of inequality
- st: RE: statalist-digest V4 #3109
- st: Comparing nested regression models
- st: RE: RE: replace missing in panel data
- st: RE: inequality measures, and dynamic decomposition of inequality
- st: svylogitgof
- Re: st: RE: RE: labels on bar graphs
- RE: st: RE: RE: labels on bar graphs
- Re: st: Please say where user-written software you discuss comes from
- RE: st: Please say where user-written software you discuss comes from
- st: -parplot- updated on SSC
- st: Please say where user-written software you discuss comes from
- st: RE: inequality measures, and dynamic decomposition of inequality
- st: Very short panel dataset
- st: SSC Archive activity, June 2008
- Re: st: problem in uploading data into Stata - data "changes"
- st: inequality measures, and dynamic decomposition of inequality
- Re: st: problem in uploading data into Stata - data "changes"
- Re: st: Search an error
- st: Search an error
- RE: st: problem in uploading data into Stata - data "changes"
- RE: st: How to test autocorrelation in the disturbance in a system of equations?
- st: inputst
- Re: st: problem in uploading data into Stata - data "changes"
- Re: st: How to test autocorrelation in the disturbance in asystem of equations?
- st: inputst
- st: RE: Jarque - Bera
- Re: st: Jarque - Bera
- st: Jarque - Bera
- Re: st: RE: Clustered Robust Standard Errors or Robust Standard Errors?
- st: RE: Clustered Robust Standard Errors or Robust Standard Errors?
- [no subject]
- Re: st: problem in uploading data into Stata - data "changes"
- st: RE: problem in uploading data into Stata - data "changes"
- Re: st: problem in uploading data into Stata - data "changes"
- st: Clustered Robust Standard Errors or Robust Standard Errors?
- st: svylo
- st: RE: problem in uploading data into Stata - data "changes"
- Re: st: RE: RE: labels on bar graphs
- Re: AW: st: table of deviance after multiple regression!
- st: How to test autocorrelation in the disturbance in a system ofequations?
- st: problem in uploading data into Stata - data "changes"
- AW: st: table of deviance after multiple regression!
- Re: st: RE: RE: labels on bar graphs
- RE: st: RE: RE: labels on bar graphs
- Re: st: table of deviance after multiple regression!
- st: calculation of capital stock based on perpetual inventory method
- Re: st: RE: RE: labels on bar graphs
- st: table of deviance after multiple regression!
- st: Is -predictnl , force- appropriate for out-of-sample prediction in fake data?
- st: mvprobit and overidentification test
- st: RE: RE: labels on bar graphs
- Re: st: RE: gllamm or else?
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