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RE: st: do group identifiers identify the same groups?

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: do group identifiers identify the same groups?
Date   Thu, 10 Jul 2008 15:14:41 +0100

I'd tweak this so that you can see all observations in any group that is problematic. 
The logic is laid out in the FAQ I previously referred to in this thread. 

   bysort g1 (g2): generate byte same1 = g2[_N] == g2[1]
   bysort g2 (g1): generate byte same2 = g1[_N] == g1[1]
   tab1 same1 same2
   list if !same1 | !same2 

[email protected] 

Svend Juul

I see. A combination of C�lio's and my ideas comes here:

   bysort g1: generate same1 = (g2[_n]==g2[1])
   bysort g2: generate same2 = (g1[_n]==g1[1])
   tab1 same1 same2
   list if same1==0 | same2==0

Jeph Herrin 
Svend's idea will not work at all, as my two identifiers
are not meant to take the same values. That is, g1 will
likely never equal g2.
C�lio's suggestion does get at what I want, especially as
it found no errors. However, I'm curious if there is a way
that would also let me identify which records or values
produced the errors;  -assert- is uninformative in that

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