I am using Stata 9.2 and XP.
I wrote an ado file:
program define skernel
version 9.2
syntax varname using/ , dist(name) band(real 1000) save(string)
/* Generating kernel matrix */
gen codei=`1'
gen codej=`1'
fillin codei codej
sort codei codej
merge codei codej using "`using'", nok
keep codei codej `dist'
replace `dist'=cond(`dist'<=`band',1,0)
reshape wide `dist', i(codei) j(codej) string
drop codei
mata: matrixsave("`save'")
and try to use it in the following command:
skernel code using "$p\Income\dist_cepii" , dist(distw) band(1000)
but it gives me an error message invalid syntax r(197).
I have variable called code and I tried different values of band
option. In fact I do have another program that has similar structure
but do not have option called band.
Obviously, I suspect that there is something wrong with the way I
specify my option band.
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