At 06:16 PM 7/15/2008, Hewan Belay wrote:
So far apparently no "defender" of -impute- stood up to comment on this--I would still appreciate any remarks on this issue if anyone can confirm or otherwise correct my finding with regard to format type of -impute-, which apparently to-date is the only of the 3 that is an official stata command for imputing missing values.
I haven't tried this - but try copying impute.ado and name it impute2.ado. Change the name on the program line accordingly. Where "float" appears in the program, change it to "double." Try it out, and test carefully to make sure it is actually doing what you want.
If you don't need all that precision, you might also consider using -recast- on your original vars (or better yet clones of them). See -help recast-.
Assuming you are right, I am a bit surprised that impute does not create double-precision vars when the original var is double-precision. I guess you can add loss of precision to the problems with the impute command.
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