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Re: st: re: building a 'dream' stata desktop setup
David Airey <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: re: building a 'dream' stata desktop setup
Tue, 8 Jul 2008 10:13:28 -0500
Especially since Intel has now recommended programmers prepare their
code for more cores than currently on the market or imaginable (i.e.,
100s to 1000s). What are we going to pay for Stata then? Clearly,
Stata is charging more because they can and those who buy 8 core
machines have money in their pockets. When it is the norm to have a
larger number of cores, prices will not be by the core, or no one will
buy Stata.
On Jul 8, 2008, at 7:58 AM, Fred Wolfe wrote:
Earlier this year we made the same choices that Kit suggests for our
group. And we have been very happy with the results. Although I am a
very strong Stata fan, I must say that I unhappy at the pricing for MP
Stata, and hope that Stata may rethink multi-core pricing some day. In
the mean, as Kit has done, I use 4-core Stata on my 8-core machine.
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