Kenneth F <[email protected]> :
Make a new "time" variable that has no gaps:
bysort panelid (timeid): g faketime=_n
tsset panelid faketime
On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 9:18 PM, Greene, Kenneth F
<[email protected]> wrote:
> When I run xtserial I get the error "no observations." I have an unbalanced panel with no missing values and my model uses the full dataset (i.e., no "if" statement that excludes cases). The data are country-election-year and thus the time observations are unequally spaced across the panels and in some cases even within panels. My intuition is that the problem may lie with tsset. I used "tsset year, generic" because I'm not sure how to specify the type of data I have. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
> -Ken
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