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st: RE: Stata and biology/biomedical sciences

From   "Wallace, John" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Stata and biology/biomedical sciences
Date   Wed, 16 Jul 2008 09:51:03 -0700

It seems that various disciplines latch onto a common statistical
package, and those who "speak other languages" find themselves on the
outside looking in when it comes to discussions.  I have had this
impression as well, although my activation energy with Stata is high
enough (and my results more than satisfactory) that I'm content being an
iconoclast.  My engineering colleagues all use JMP, our staff
statisticians seem to favor R, and many of the biologists are using
Partek's platform with microarray enhancement packages.
Within my research group our new scientists are watching what I do with
Stata and are beginning to move towards it as a solution.  One of the
things Stata does much better than many other packages is data
management (reshaping, importing, merging and the like).  I call it data
wrangling, and anyone who has had to spend hours formatting data in
Excel in the volumes that microarrays can produce quickly grasps the
advantages of Stata's environment.

John Wallace | Advanced Technology Research | Affymetrix, Inc.
3420 Central | Santa Clara, CA 95051        |(408) 731-5574
Expressway	 |                              |

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of David Airey
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 9:27 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: Stata and biology/biomedical sciences


Is it my mistaken impression or is Stata becoming mostly an  
environment used by econometricians and social scientists, whereas as  
R is used more by biologists? Or is it just that Stata is very popular  
with these groups and healthy with others, etc. The user group meeting  
has no talks from biologists who use quantitative methods. I am not  
saying that Stata's capabilities prevent use by biologists needing  
stats at all, just noting the majority of talks seem to be from  
econometricians or social scientists.

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