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Re: st: Graph fonts

From   David Radwin <>
Subject   Re: st: Graph fonts
Date   Fri, 11 Jul 2008 09:26:51 -0700

One workaround would be to use the -fontface- option of -graph export- to specify your preferred font and save it as a postscript (.ps) file. By default Macintosh will open your file in Viewer and automatically convert it to a PDF, which you would then save.

I don't know how to retain a non-default font when exporting directly to PDF, although that obviously would be preferable. It seems the -fontface- option does not work with PDF on Mac.

. graph export, fontface(Garamond) logo(off)


At 7:10 AM -0700 7/11/08, Riley Newman wrote:

Hi everyone,

I'm running Stata 10 on Mac OS X 10.5.4, and looking for a way to change the fonts used in graphs. I see you can do it generally in the preferences window, but the font reverts to default when I export the graph to, i.e., a .pdf. This also does not allow you to change the font within the graph, for example italicizing the subtitle.

Is there a code anyone knows to do this?

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