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Re: st: Computing GDP growth using a log-linear regression

From   "Austin Nichols" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Computing GDP growth using a log-linear regression
Date   Mon, 21 Jul 2008 11:18:17 -0400

D Harwood <[email protected]>:
First -tsset- the data, -sort- by code and year, and then compute the
  by code: g growth=d.lnGDP
which is roughly the percentage change in levels.  Or in 2 lines:

 tsset code year
 bys code (year): g growth=d.lnGDP

See also -help tsvarlist-.

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 11:05 AM, D Harwood <[email protected]> wrote:
> No you're right I want the annual growth rates not the trend. Have I been
> going about this totally the wrong way? What would be the best way to
> compute the annual growth rates?
> Thanks,
> Dave
> Quoting Austin Nichols <[email protected]>:
>> D Harwood <[email protected]>:
>> Take the double quotes off =="`var'" is the short answer--you can't
>> compare a number to a quoted string.
>> But are you sure you want the avg change computed over all years (i.e.
>> the trend, not the annual GDP growth rates)?
>> And there is no need to generate yearcounter that I can see...
>> On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 10:41 AM, D Harwood <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> I was wondering if anyone knew how to compute GDP growth rates by
>>> country. I
>>> have panel data arranged as follows:
>>> Country             Year            GDP ($ 2000)
>>> Benin               1997            1947193088
>>> Benin               1998            2035610240
>>> Benin               1999            2131227520
>>> Benin               2000            2254838784
>>> Benin               2001            2367580672
>>> Benin               2002            2474121728
>>> Benin               2003            2570612480
>>> Benin               2004            2650301440
>>> Benin               2005            2727160320
>>> .
>>> .
>>> .
>>> And so on for a number of countries. Arranged by country code and by
>>> year.
>>> I found an example in the archives of how to calculate the growth rates
>>> ( and yet
>>> when
>>> I try to do the same I get an error message 'Type mismatch', no matter
>>> which
>>> variable type I enter. I typed the following into the command box and
>>> came
>>> out with the output shown.
>>> . egen minyearbycountry = min(year), by(code)
>>> r; t=0.00 15:30:23
>>> . gen yearcounter = year-minyearbycountry
>>> r; t=0.01 15:30:31
>>> . gen g = .
>>> (288 missing values generated)
>>> r; t=0.00 15:30:39
>>> . levelsof code
>>> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
>>> 28
>>> 29 30 31 32
>>> r; t=0.01 15:30:48
>>> . foreach var in `r(levels)' {
>>>  2. reg lnGDP yearcounter if code =="`var'"
>>>  3. replace g = _b[yearcounter] if code =="`var'"
>>>  4. }
>>> type mismatch
>>> r(109); t=26.93 15:31:23
>>> I would be grateful if anyone could point out where I have gone wrong?
>>> Regards,
>>> Dave
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