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Re: st: Display ValuesLabels and NumericCodes in Tabulate Tables
Richard Williams <[email protected]>
[email protected], [email protected]
Re: st: Display ValuesLabels and NumericCodes in Tabulate Tables
Tue, 22 Jul 2008 11:49:19 -0500
At 10:35 AM 7/22/2008, Sergiy Radyakin wrote:
I was part of that thread, so thanks for refreshing my memory. I
believe I have the hacked version Ben Jann posted atHello, Mr Yawo,
The version of tabl as located under the URL provided by Mr Williams
does not work as supposed. As is, it produces the same output as the
tab command.
This was mentioned earlier:
(Downloading today, the received file is 3766 bytes small, version
1.2.0, recorded date 07apr2000 by Jeroen Weesie/ICS)
It seems to work ok but I don't use it that much.
Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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