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Re: st: What is i. ?
On Jul 10, 2008, at 3:36 PM, Solorzano, Jenniffer wrote:
Somebody knows what does it mean "i.variable name"? What does it
mean i.
before the name of a variable?. I'm trying to run a instrumental
variable regression and I'm trying to understand a do-file somebody
This is the do-file part:
xi: ivreg lagreg3pcpc (lypc = lmiem e0_4 e5_8 e9_12 e13_17 e18_24
e55_99 ultimoaprjef edadjefe i.region) ultimoaprjef edadjefe if
Do you know what the -xi:- prefix command does? Your question
suggests not, and -help xi- is the appropriate action here. In it
you will find a complete description of the i. notation, which will
be important for understanding and interpreting the regression you
are trying to estimate.
-- Mike
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