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Re: st: re: building a 'dream' stata desktop setup

From   "Fred Wolfe" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: re: building a 'dream' stata desktop setup
Date   Wed, 9 Jul 2008 14:41:46 -0500

Thanks Chinh,

Following your instructions I am now able to increase memory to 1930
MB using the GUI.


On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 11:17 AM,  <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Fred Wolfe" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> The maximum memory I can access with a Mac Pro 8 GB, OS 10.5 (Leopard)
>> is 1625 MB (set mem 1625m) which actually allocates 1711 according to
>> Stata.
> I suspect the reason that Fred cannot allocate more than 1625 MB of memory is
> because the default amount of memory he allocated to Stata is 1625 MB (perhaps
> set earlier by -set memory 1625m, perm-).  This is a perfectly reasonable
> thing to do and on other platforms, you can allocate more memory (assuming you
> have more available) after Stata has started up.
> What's happening on the Mac GUI version is that after Stata allocates its big
> block of memory during startup, the GUI is allocating some memory for itself
> and actually fragmenting the available memory.  Stata takes steps to prevent
> this memory fragmentation from happening when it starts up (successfully on
> other platforms) but can't prevent the Mac GUI from fragmenting the memory.
> Note that the Mac console version does not have this problem.
> The good news is that the problem is avoidable.  First, set the default amount
> of memory allocated to Stata to something much less than what's required
> (-set memory 10m, perm-).  If you want Stata to start up with 1625 MB
> of memory (or even more), create a in
> "~/Library/Application Support/Stata" containing the line
> set memory 1625m
> (or even -set memory 2200m-)
> What will happen in this case is Stata will come up with the default small
> memory allocation (set in an earlier invocation with -set memory 10m, perm-),
> the GUI will be loaded, and then will be executed, at which point
> the large memory allocation should succeed.
> You now have your preferred large memory allocation and can still allocate
> more to Stata later if you need it.  The other users who were only able to
> allocate roughly a gig of memory probably set Stata's default memory
> allocation to a gig and need to take the same steps in preventing this
> problem.
> Note that there's still no guarantee that you can allocate 2200 MB at any time
> to Stata (or at all) simply because the memory may not be available or
> fragmented due to any number of reasons.
> If you still have problems in allocating memory to Stata, feel free to contact
> tech support for more help.
> -Chinh Nguyen
>  [email protected]
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Fred Wolfe
National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases
Wichita, Kansas
NDB Office +1 316 263 2125 Ext 0
Research Office +1 316 686 9195
[email protected]
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