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Re: st: RE: RE: -impute- variable creates only type 'float'
At 08:25 PM 7/15/2008, Hewan Belay wrote:
Dear Richard,
- making the impute.ado adjustment as you suggested sounded like a
logical step. I did it, but it would refuse to recognise my newly
created impute2.ado for some reason, though I saved it in the same
folder as where impute.ado was located. By the way, looking at the
ado file, I now see why -set type double, permanently- doesn't do
the trick... because the ado file asks for new vars to be created as
float, and the -set- just gives guidelines for new vars for which
the type is not explicitly specified.
Yet another idea occurs to me:
sysuse auto, clear
clonevar xrep78 = rep78
impute xrep78 price mpg headroom, gen(tempvar)
replace xrep78 = tempvar if missing(xrep78)
drop tempvar
If rep78 was double precision, xrep78 would also be double
precision. The values of the nonmissing cases would be every bit as
precise as in the original variable. Only the imputed values would
have any loss of precision by not estimating them as double in the
first place (but then again they were imputed so it isn't like they
were accurate to 12 decimal places anyway).
Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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