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st: Option for repeating graph command
Is there a way to ask Stata to use different y-scales when using a graph
command (such as -twoway-) with the by-option?
sysuse auto, clear
replace price=100*price if foreign==1
tw (connected price weight, sort), by(foreign)
I'd rather have the y-axis on different scales. At this point, I use
-graph combine-. Something like:
sysuse auto, clear
replace price=100*price if foreign==1
decode foreign, gen(F)
levelsof F, local(f)
foreach F of local f {
keep if F=="`F'"
tw (connected price weight, sort), title("`F'") name("`F'")
graph combine Foreign Domestic
This strikes me as a bit tedious - is there a more direct way to do this?
Stata 9, Win XP.
Many thanks for your help,
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