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st: Programming Problem: How to prevent macro substitution
Dear All,
I want to program a loop which produces a macro `xlist' containing a
list of dummy variable interaction expansion expressions with temporary
variable names `ldep0' , `ldep1' etc. as a string . For this purpose I
foreach u of numlist 0/`y2'{
local ldep`u' "ldep`u'"
local xlist "`xlist' i.land|``ldep`u'''"
The resulting macro should contain an expression like " i.land|`ldep0'
i.land|`ldep1' i.land|`ldep2' " (when `y2' contains 2) which can
be used as argument in -xi: reg-, as in: xi: reg yvar i.land `xlist' .
(The temporary variables `ldep0' and so on, corresponding to the macros
are generated later in a separate loop.)
What actually happens, is that, due to the single quotation marks, the
macros containing the names of the temporary variables are subsituted by
their content (which should not happen), so the content of the resulting
macro is " i.land|ldep0 i.land|ldep1 i.land|ldep2 ", which cannot be
used to refer to temporary variables. For the same reason, it is not
possible to define a local macro with a string as content which starts
and ends with quotation marks. I found no way to avoid the unintended
macro substitution using "\" or compound quotes. Any recommendation is
highly appreciated.
Christoph Birkel
Christoph Birkel, M.A.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
-Studienfachberater BA-Studieng�nge Soziologie-
Martin-Luther-Universit�t Halle-Wittenberg
Institut f�r Soziologie
D-06099 Halle (Saale)
Tel.: ++ 49 3 45 / 55 24 22 5
Fax.: ++ 49 3 45 / 55 27 14 9
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