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st: LOG2HTML -- size() option not allowed

From   John LeBlanc <[email protected]>
To   STATA Listserv <[email protected]>
Subject   st: LOG2HTML -- size() option not allowed
Date   Sun, 20 Jul 2008 13:44:25 -0300

I'd like to use this very useful tool to format Stata output but the deafault font size is too big for my needs. When I try to use the size() option, I"m informed that it is not allowed.

----------- output -----------
. log2html "Follow-up of falls & ingestions", replace size(90)
option size() not allowed

I'm using Stata v. 9 on an xp pro machine.


Regards, John LeBlanc


John C. LeBlanc, MD, MSc, FRCPC
Associate Professor

Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Community Health and Epidemiology

Dalhousie University

IWK Health Centre Work phone: (902) 470-8930

5850 University Avenue Work fax: (902) 470-6913

Halifax, Nova Scotia Email: [email protected]

B3K 6R8 CANADA Pager: (902) 470-8888


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