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st: Fixed effect model with weight: xtivreg2 [aweight],fe?
Hello Statalist members,
I'd like to run a fixed effect model with an analytic weight. "xtreg,
fe" doesn't allow a weight option, and some people in this forum
suggested to use xtivreg2 [aweight=],fe. Can I use "xtivreg2,fe" even
though I don't have any endogenous variables? In other words, can
"xtivreg2 [aweight=],fe" be an alternative to a simple fixed effect
model with a weight? If I can't use xtivreg2, are there any other ways
I can run a fixed effect model with an analytic weight? I'll
appreciate any advice.
Do Han Kim
PhD Candidate,
Dept. of Public Administration and Policy
Rockefeller College, University at Albany
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