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Re: st: Output tables, tabulations, etc to a text file

From   "Austin Nichols" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Output tables, tabulations, etc to a text file
Date   Thu, 10 Jul 2008 09:49:45 -0400

Jeff Pflueger <[email protected]>:
You may want a loop that -use-s each dataset in turn, -collapse-s to a
"tab" dataset, then -append-s to put all the "tabs" together in one
dataset, then perhaps -outsheet- to write a tab-delimited file.  This
is also possible with -file- but more work to write.  Hard to say what
is optimal for you given only the info below.

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 7:47 PM, Jeff Pflueger <[email protected]> wrote:
> I have a do file that goes through a dataset for each US state.
> From each state I need a few pieces of information by county. Most of this I
> can do for each state through tabulate:
> tabulate county interesting_yes_no_question [fw=weight]
> I'd like to take the results of the tabulation and append them to a results
> file that is comma or tab delimited so that by the time the do file has gone
> through all the state datasets, I have a single comma or tab delimited file
> of the results for all of the states.
> There seems to be about half a dozen approaches to getting Stata output into
> a file. None seem too clean at this point. Nothing I've seen is too elegant
> yet.
> Isn't there an easy way that I can take the results from a command like
> tabulate and then use "file" to append them to the end of a file?
> Thanks for any help!
> Jeff
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