With a depvar that is a count, I think you would prefer -xtmepoisson-
but the cluster option on -glm- or -poisson- is the place to start,
and with 500 sites there are no worries about insufficient clusters.
On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 12:33 PM, Jeph Herrin <> wrote:
See -xtmixed- wrote:
Dear List,
I have 500 sites, and each site contains twelve transects.
My dependent variable is the number of bats encountered along each
My independent variables have been measured at either transect or site
level and include:
habitat type (categorical) measured at transect level
distance to nearest water feature measured at transect level
proportion of woodland, measured at site level
density of water features, measured at site level
Is there a way I can include all 6000 observations and all independent
variables (both categorical and continuous and at both scales) in a
GLM-type analysis that, critically, allows for the lack of independence
between observations within the same site, caused by the nested sample
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