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Re: st: building a "dream" stata desktop sestup - what's your advise?

From   David Airey <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: building a "dream" stata desktop sestup - what's your advise?
Date   Tue, 8 Jul 2008 11:43:24 -0500


You can group windows together, sort of, by checking the option "Bring all windows to front when activated". That at least makes some of the behavior comparable.

TexShop and mac tex on the mac is pretty good for Latex.

BTW, does your SAS enhanced editor work under parallels. Mine doesn't. Email me back off list since this is not Stata related.

On Jul 8, 2008, at 11:11 AM, jverkuilen wrote:

I work with rather smaller datasets generally, though if one of my colleagues gets a grant to do a lot of real time data gathering that could change.

If it helps convince said new faculty member, I will share my experience from last year.

I switched to OS/X last year. There were a few minor hiccups and a soft learing curve but it has been great since then: 99% of the time I don't even notice it. I have Parallels to run WinXP so I still have access to SAS, etc. I run Stata natively. It is very nice, though I wish could group all the windows together. (Mac native SPSS---ugh---is a slow and lazy dog.) Productivity apps like MS Word for Mac are icky and I prefer to run LaTeX on the Windows side so I can keep using WinEDT.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Paula Lackie" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]; [email protected]
Sent: 7/7/2008 1:07 AM
Subject: st: building a "dream" stata desktop sestup - what's your advise?

I'm setting up an incoming faculty member with what I hope to be a "dream machine." I'm looking for your expert opinions regarding what you'd like to have given the following parameters:

- .25-3Gig routine data file sizes
- a small IT department with limited experience with stata and a strong desire for a standard desktop operating system on hardware they are familiar with (eg: MacPro & Dell optiplex minitower 755.)
- a one-time $10,000 USD setup budget

Obviously we're going to need a 64 bit OS and my incoming faculty person is Vista-averse. I'm inclined toward encouraging the MacPro hardware: quad-core processor (expandable to another quad-core & up to 32gig of ram, internal raid-array drives... it seems perfect for this application.)

My problems are twofold on the MacOS front - first, when will stata actually have the 64 bit Mac version? and second, my new faculty member is also Mac-OS averse.

Does anyone have experience to share with running large data files through the 32bit Stata on a MacPro quad-core? How does it compare with a 2 yr old dual-core 64 bit XP system with .. say, 8 gig of ram? Any guesses?

My sense of XP is that it's a dying OS and I'd hate to use his one- time startup funds on a relatively-soon-to-be-unsupported OS. And then there's the problem (from the point of view of my IT dept) of supporting 64bit XP. (Though it theoretically would run fine on the MacPro hardware - not in emulation mode - but booting directly into XP.)

Thank you for your time and opinions!


Paula Lackie - Carleton College - Northfield, MN USA
Academic Technologist

[email protected] | 507.222.5607 |
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