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Re: st: xtlogit is slow

From   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: xtlogit is slow
Date   Tue, 8 Jul 2008 09:22:50 -0700


It takes 54 seconds on my laptop.


. do "/var/folders/AJ/AJjttUSSFdSi1HiInJZyY++++TI/-Tmp-//SD00651.000000"

. clear *

. set more off

. set memory 100M

Current memory allocation

                     current                                 memory
     settable          value     description                 (1M =

     set maxvar         5000     max. variables allowed           2.067M
     set memory          100M    max. data space                100.000M
     set matsize         400     max. RHS vars in models          1.254M

. set seed `=date("2008-07-08", "YMD")'

. set obs 300000
obs was 0, now 300000

. *
. generate byte depvar = uniform() > 0.5

. generate byte catvar1 = floor(4 * uniform())

. forvalue i = 1/12 {
   2. generate float other_var`i' = uniform()
   3. }

. generate byte rand = floor(9 * uniform())

. generate int panelvar = floor(3000 * uniform())

. timer clear 1

. timer on 1

. xi: xtlogit depvar i.catvar1 other_var* if rand <7, i(panelvar) pa
i.catvar1         _Icatvar1_0-3       (naturally coded; _Icatvar1_0

Iteration 1: tolerance = 2.886e-06
Iteration 2: tolerance = 2.193e-10

GEE population-averaged model                   Number of obs
=    233408
Group variable:                   panelvar      Number of groups
=      3000
Link:                                logit      Obs per group: min
=        47
Family:                           binomial                     avg
=      77.8
Correlation:                  exchangeable                     max
=       106
                                                 Wald chi2(15)
=     18.77
Scale parameter:                         1      Prob > chi2
=    0.2245

       depvar |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf.
  _Icatvar1_1 |   .0077015   .0116875     0.66   0.510    -.
0152056    .0306086
  _Icatvar1_2 |   .0213159   .0117154     1.82   0.069    -.
0016459    .0442778
  _Icatvar1_3 |  -.0017835   .0117167    -0.15   0.879    -.
0247479    .0211809
   other_var1 |   .0003397   .0143455     0.02   0.981    -.
0277769    .0284563
   other_var2 |  -.0074464   .0143168    -0.52   0.603    -.
0355067    .0206139
   other_var3 |  -.0054181   .0143215    -0.38   0.705    -.
0334876    .0226514
   other_var4 |   .0065459   .0143327     0.46   0.648    -.
0215456    .0346375
   other_var5 |   .0086643   .0143549     0.60   0.546    -.
0194707    .0367994
   other_var6 |    .024404   .0143424     1.70   0.089    -.
0037066    .0525146
   other_var7 |   .0125822   .0143138     0.88   0.379    -.
0154724    .0406369
   other_var8 |  -.0029192   .0143368    -0.20   0.839    -.
0310189    .0251804
   other_var9 |    -.00545   .0143595    -0.38   0.704    -.
0335942    .0226941
  other_var10 |   .0050038   .0143494     0.35   0.727    -.
0231206    .0331282
  other_var11 |  -.0380009   .0143391    -2.65   0.008     -.066105
  other_var12 |   .0203525   .0143351     1.42   0.156    -.
0077437    .0484488
        _cons |  -.0186582   .0262054    -0.71   0.476    -.
0700199    .0327035

. timer off 1

. timer list
    1:     54.86 /        1 =      54.8610

. exit

end of do-file

On Jul 8, 2008, at 7:56 AM, Joseph Coveney wrote:

> Mitchell F. Berman wrote:
> Good thought on the xtlogit issue, but no, the if clause is not the
> problem.  Takes closer to an hour, I think, for the entire data set,
> but
> I've only done this once.  I can tell that it is running slowly,
> because
> each iteration takes many minutes.
> I sent this issue in to Stata Tech Support.  I'm hoping they
> investigate it.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I'm curious to see what they discover, because the do file below,
> which has
> 15 variables, 300,000 observations, and the command line that you
> showed
> earlier in the thread takes only 2.5 minutes (149.9250 seconds) on my
> boat-anchor-disguised-as-a-PC.  There must be something very
> peculiar about
> your particular dataset or machine set up.
> Joseph Coveney
> clear *
> set more off
> set memory 100M
> set seed `=date("2008-07-08", "YMD")'
> set obs 300000
> *
> generate byte depvar = uniform() > 0.5
> generate byte catvar1 = floor(4 * uniform())
> forvalue i = 1/12 {
> generate float other_var`i' = uniform()
> }
> generate byte rand = floor(9 * uniform())
> generate int panelvar = floor(3000 * uniform())
> timer clear 1
> timer on 1
> xi: xtlogit depvar i.catvar1 other_var* if rand <7, i(panelvar) pa
> timer off 1
> timer list
> exit
> *
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> *
> *
> *

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