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Re: st: drop variable on condition
The code below is helpful, but it is also an example of why some find
stata a bit more challenging than some other packages. Anytime I want to
do something conditional it *seems* to take an awful lot of code, often
very complicated code. Really old SPSS allowed one to just write -do if-
as a "pre-command" to almost anything (and -else if's- could be added if
needed), and that made the following recode or generate or "whatever"
conditional. Is there any way some such easy pre-command could be
instituted in stata? Is it already available, and I just have failed to
find it?
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
On Mon, 21 Jul 2008, Andrea Bennett wrote:
Ah, thank you very much!
Kind regards!
On Jul 21, 2008, at 12:54 PM, Joseph Coveney wrote:
Andrea Bennett wrote:
A quick question related to dropping variables: I would like to drop a
variable when a certain condition is met (I'm using loops to check
whether a variable is not empty for each year of observation). AFAIK, -
drop- and -keep- only refer to observations if being used
conditionally, e.g. I cannot use "drop THISVAR if mean_THISVAR<1".
So, how can I drop a variable when a certain condition is met?
You can easily do both. The do-file below illustrates dropping a variable
(for each year of observations) has any missing values. And later it drops
it if its mean is greatern than one.
Joseph Coveney
clear *
set seed `=date("2008-07-21", "YMD")'
set obs 200
forvalues i = 1/10 {
generate double year`i' = uniform()
if mod(`i', 2) replace year`i' = . if uniform() > 0.99
replace year10 = 5 * year10
* Begin here
foreach var of varlist year* {
capture assert !missing(`var')
if _rc {
display in smcl as text "variable {result}`var' " _continue
display in smcl as text "contains missing values"
drop `var'
summarize `var', meanonly
if r(mean) > 1 {
display in smcl as text "variable {result}`var'" _continue
display in smcl as text "'s mean is greater than one"
drop `var'
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