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st: re: heteroskedasticity and fixed effects

From   Kit Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: re: heteroskedasticity and fixed effects
Date   Thu, 17 Jul 2008 08:29:19 -0400

< >
Mark said

-whitetst- (or, pardon the self-plug, -ivhettest-) after -regress- with
fixed effects inserts as dummies by hand probably won't be appropriate,
for the reason I gave in my previous email.

>From what I know about -xttest3-, it won't be affected by the
Stock-Watson results, but this is just a quick guess. Kit Baum is the
author of -xttest3- and he or someone else would be better placed than
me to say (as I gather he just did!).

Actually, per my prior posting, -whitetst- is one of those tests that only makes use of residuals from a regression, and is thus immune to problems with the variance-covariance matrix. All that is needed are consistent point estimates. The White general test is a special case of the Breusch and Pagan test (q.v. -bpagan-, or more generally - ivhettest-).

Note, though, that the alternative hypotheses of the White / Breusch- Pagan and -xttest3- tests differ considerably. The latter evaluates whether the squared residuals are correlated with a set of dummies for the individual panels. The White test considers whether there is correlation between squared residuals and all regressors, squared regressors and cross-products of regressors. The B-P test allows you to choose the variables in that list (which may thus include variables not in the original regression).

I wholeheartedly agree that the cluster-robust VCE is the most sensible thing to apply in the -xtreg, fe- context. Of course, the vce (bootstrap) could be used to evaluate whether the cluster-robust SEs look reasonable.


Kit Baum, Boston College Economics and DIW Berlin
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:

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