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st: building a "dream" stata desktop sestup - what's your advise?

From   Paula Lackie <[email protected]>
To   [email protected], [email protected]
Subject   st: building a "dream" stata desktop sestup - what's your advise?
Date   Mon, 7 Jul 2008 00:07:09 -0500 (CDT)

I'm setting up an incoming faculty member with what I hope to be a "dream machine."  I'm looking for your expert opinions regarding what you'd like to have given the following parameters:

- .25-3Gig routine data file sizes  
- a small IT department with limited experience with stata and a strong desire for a standard desktop operating system on hardware they are familiar with (eg: MacPro & Dell optiplex minitower 755.) 
- a one-time $10,000 USD setup budget

Obviously we're going to need a 64 bit OS and my incoming faculty person is Vista-averse. I'm inclined toward encouraging the MacPro hardware: quad-core processor (expandable to another quad-core & up to 32gig of ram, internal raid-array drives... it seems perfect for this application.)  

My problems are twofold on the MacOS front - first, when will stata actually have the 64 bit Mac version? and second, my new faculty member is also Mac-OS averse. 

Does anyone have experience to share with running large data files through the 32bit Stata on a MacPro quad-core? How does it compare with a 2 yr old dual-core 64 bit XP system with .. say, 8 gig of ram? Any guesses? 

My sense of XP is that it's a dying OS and I'd hate to use his one-time startup funds on a relatively-soon-to-be-unsupported OS. And then there's the problem (from the point of view of my IT dept) of supporting 64bit XP. (Though it theoretically would run fine on the MacPro hardware - not in emulation mode - but booting directly into XP.)

Thank you for your time and opinions!


Paula Lackie - Carleton College - Northfield, MN USA
Academic Technologist

[email protected] | 507.222.5607 |
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