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Re: st: Silly addenda

From   Robert McCullough <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Silly addenda
Date   Wed, 09 Jul 2008 17:35:41 -0500

Ah, Dr. Pagano, while your point is appreciated, you may well live in a kinder and gentler world than the rest of us. This boilerplate is required by law in many states if you are going to seek return of, or redress against, misaddressed or purloined emails. I am not likely to post to Stata, but if I do, I'll follow your advice.

Marcello Pagano wrote:

Dear Listers,

In the spirit of saving bandwidth, if you are posting something on a list that will be seen by many, it seems silly to me to have an addendum that says something like,

Privileged, confidential or patient identifiable information may be
contained in this message. This information is meant only for the use of
the intended recipients. If you are not the intended recipient, or if
the message has been addressed to you in error, do not read, disclose,
reproduce, distribute, disseminate or otherwise use this transmission.
Instead, please notify the sender by reply e-mail, and then destroy all
copies of the message and any attachments.

All too often too these are not in Plain Text and that causes havoc for some. So please refrain from automatically adding this drivel to your messages. BTW, do you really think any one pays attention to such a message, anyway?



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