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st: -margeff- question (interaction effects, -at- and -dummies- option)
From |
Andrea Bennett <[email protected]> |
To |
[email protected] |
Subject |
st: -margeff- question (interaction effects, -at- and -dummies- option) |
Date |
Tue, 22 Jul 2008 19:10:15 +0200 |
Dear all,
I wonder if anyone knows the following related issues regarding the -
margeff- command:
1. standard interaction effects
Say, I have -(probit) Y = b0 + female + income + age_cat2 + age_cat3
+ age_cat2*radio + age_cat3*radio + radio + controls + e-. After
applying -margeff- with the dummies option -dummies(female age_cat2 +
age_cat3 + age_cat2*radio + age_cat3*radio)-, how do I correctly
state the interaction effect? Is it additive, e.g. if age_cat2=.3 and
age_cat2*radio= -.1 and radio = -.5, is the marginal effect of
age_cat2 0.3-0.1=0.2 at the mean of the variable radio when radio is
present and 0.3 when there radio is zero (radio is 0-1 in percentages;
e.g. 0.04, ..., 0.23)?
2. using at(mean radio=x) option
Now I wanted to check what happens when I apply a different value for
the variable radio. But when using interaction terms it seems I cannot
change the value of the variable radio. I also tried to include the
interaction terms under the -at- option and set the values equal to
each other (since age_cat* is (0/1) binary coded the interaction dummy
should be the same as the value of the variable radio). I always get
the error code r(111) with "Invalid at() option: .31179443is not
found" or some other number depending on the number of control
variables I have in my regression. Why can't I do that, or better how
can I?
3. the dummies option
Is it correct to include the interactions, e.g. age_cat2*radio, as
dummies in the dummies option?
If anyone could share his or her experience, that would help me
Many thanks for your considerations,
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