Like this?
sort incpc
gen temp1 =_n
gen temp2 = (incpc>228.219 & incpc<228.221)*temp1
egen temp3 = max(temp2)
replace temp1 = (abs(temp1-temp3)<=5)
replace temp1 =. if temp1==0
replace temp2=temp1*incpc
sum temp2
-----Mensaje original-----
De: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] En nombre de Ana R. Rios
Enviado el: Martes, 22 de Julio de 2008 02:38 p.m.
Para: [email protected]
Asunto: st: Code
Dear Stata users,
Could someone suggest a code that will perform the following?
- I have defined a poverty level based on income per capita (incpc). I would like to perform calculations on x number of households above/below poverty.
Here is an example: lets assume that the poverty level is an income per capita equal to 228.22. I would like to calculate the mean income per capita for a total sample of 11 households: 5 households above poverty, 5 households below povery and the household at the poverty level. That is, the mean income per capita for observations 8 to 18.
obs househol incpc
1 18109 15.87111
2 19705 52.32142
3 37503 75
4 25309 80
5 33520 91.14099
6 22905 100
7 4113 150
8 37520 167.7384
9 33102 190
10 28614 192.205
11 28504 227.3124
12 37616 227.3575
13 37620 228.22
14 33518 235.8528
15 33315 236.0431
16 4205 250
17 5210 250
18 23814 252.6725
19 28506 256.8579
20 30912 265
Thank you for your time.
Ana Rios �
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