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Re: st: RE: Creating a Non-Self Mean (Score)

From   Chao Yawo <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: Creating a Non-Self Mean (Score)
Date   Thu, 3 Jul 2008 11:22:20 -0700 (PDT)

Nick,  thanks very much.  I will review the documents and get back to the list with any further questions.

I appreciate your assistance.

rgds, CY

--- On Thu, 7/3/08, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:

> From: Nick Cox <[email protected]>
> Subject: st: RE: Creating a Non-Self Mean (Score)
> To: [email protected]
> Date: Thursday, July 3, 2008, 8:30 AM
> This is a FAQ. See 
> FAQ     . . Creating variables recording prop. of the other
> members of a
> group
>         4/05    How do I create variables summarizing for
> each
>                 individual properties of the other members
> of a
>                 group?
> The key principle for sums is elementary 
> Sum of others = Sum of all - This value 
> And for means correspondingly 
> Mean of others = (Sum of all - This value) / (Number in
> group - 1) 
> Other summary measures are more challenging, but the FAQ
> gives advice. 
> The only obvious complication is that you want to sum
> across variables
> before you summarize across the other members of this
> group. That will
> often be easiest through -egen, rowtotal()-. 
> Nick
> [email protected] 
> Chao Yawo
> I am examining the effect of stigmatizing attitudes of
> specific health
> behaviors, using a demographic health survey (DHS). DHS
> respondents were
> required to indicate (by a YES, NO, DONT KNOW) whether:
> (1) whether they would buy a vegetable from a vendor who
> has HIV, (2)
> whether they would keep their family member's HIV
> infection a secret
> (3) whether they would be willing to care for a relative
> who is infected
> with HIV
> (4) wheether a female teacher infected with HIV should be
> allowed to
> continue teaching in school
> I want to calculate a summary score that reflects community
> attitude
> (the attitudes of all members of the community on these
> variables ---
> that is the score must EXCLUDE those of the respondent, and
> those of all others.  In some literature, this is referred
> to as
> non-self mean.
> Since in the DHS, clusters (V022) are the lowest level from
> which a
> sample of households is drawn (i.e. these are typically the
> primary
> sampling unit), I want a score based on the responses of
> all people in
> the same strata (PSU) as the respondent, but excluding the
> respondent's
> responses. For example, to compute this score for an
> individual A who
> resides in PSU B, we sum the stigma scores (over all the 4
> variables) of
> all individuals in PSU B, with the exceptoin of respondent
> A.
> I would be very grateful if you could give me some pointers
> about how to
> create this summary score (over all the 4 variables).
> regards, C. Y.
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