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RE: st: Mata versus Matlab

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Mata versus Matlab
Date   Tue, 8 Jul 2008 19:26:36 +0100

On your first: as you say I think an example or two of your problems is

On your second: this is a long and often-expressed wish, at users'
meetings and on this list. My own minimum list includes support for
subscripts, superscripts and Greek characters. 

[email protected] 

Michael Manti

With regard to graphics, I was thinking principally of some of the  
idiosyncracies of --graph combine--. The interactions among the  
various areas, labels, etc. are sometimes hard to predict-- 
particularly with regard to lining up elements across constituent  
graphs. My recollection was that this is more predictable in MATLAB. I  
wish I had an example at hand of a graph that was easier to produce in  
Stata than MATLAB to illustrate my meaning. The fault may well lie  
with me rather than with Stata.

Another minor advantage that MATLAB graphics have over Stata's is that  
MATLAB supports a limited subset of TeX in text elements of graphics.  
Last I checked, this is not the case for Stata. I suspect that a  
workaround for PostScript graphics may be the LaTeX psfrag package.

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