Note that this won't work as code like
if y = `n'
needs to be
if y == `n'
forvalue n = 1/n {
won't work either. Kim did say "something like".
Beyond that, I don't see what point Kim is making here. This code can be
collapsed to
egen x = rowtotal(d1-d40)
Why create separate variables and put them together when you can get
there in one?
[email protected]
Kim Lyngby Mikkelsen (KLM)
If you have consecutive values, you should try to use -forvalue-,
otherwise you could try to use -foreach-.
If you have y=1, y=2, ..., y=n, you could try to do something like this
forvalue n = 1/n {
egen x_`n'=rowtotal (d1-d40) if y=`n'
gen x=.
forvalue n = 1/n {
replace x=x_`n' if y=`n'
drop x_`n'
Ora John Reuter
I am searching for something that would do the equivalent of an
'ereplace'. I have a set variables for which I generated a -rowtotal-
given some condition, e.g. (egen x=rowtotal (d1-d40) if y=1), but then
I need to replace some values in that same variable (x) with a
different -rowtotal- given a different condition. I dont know how else
to explain it except to say that if there were an 'ereplace' command
the next command would look like this:
"ereplace" x=rowtotal(d2-d40) if y=2
In other words, I need to replace values in x with different sums of
variables. I need to do this for a great many conditions so typing out
the list of variables to be added for each condition would be a minor
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