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Re: st: RE: Dialog Programming

From   Martin Weiss <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: Dialog Programming
Date   Wed, 30 Jul 2008 23:50:49 +0200

Ok, no hard feelings... As a matter of fact, Richard`s subthread message was never properly delivered to me. I only became aware of its existence when I read Nick`s reply. The statalist server sometimes seems to takes it freedom to not deliver messages or eat starting lines and stuff.
I also notice that my replies do not make it to the list as fast as they probably could. That might also be an issue for the IT dep of my university, though...

Quoting Phil Schumm <[email protected]>:

On Jul 30, 2008, at 3:55 PM, Martin Weiss wrote:
Maybe I misuderstand the notion of a "thread" but it still carried my original subject line. Indeed, when I click the; via the "thread next" button, it takes me all the way through your and Nick's and Richard's and my replies...

I apologize -- I should have been clearer.  What Rich started was
technically a subthread.  The threading is based on the "In-Reply-To"
and "References" headers, not the subject header; only in the case of
mailers that don't do proper threading (or MTAs that strip these
headers) is the subject heading used instead.  The resulting structure
is reflected on the page I referenced

Now, I suppose you could argue that the subthread Rich started (and
that Nick and I responded to) really didn't belong under the original
thread (since writing help files has little to do with programming
dialog boxes), and on some lists, people can get pretty annoyed if you
hijack a thread.  Whether that's what happened here or not, there are
certainly much worse examples.

All I was objecting to was the fact that you quoted my message, and
then wrote "We do not like the way we have to write help files, LET
ALONE dialog boxes."  I just wanted to clarify that that is not my
sentiment.  That's all.

smcl is indeed a useful language, though. In Chicago, M. Buis built his presentation around smcl files which I found really neat...

Indeed.  It is well-suited to giving tutorials in Stata, which is
essentially what Maarten was doing.

-- Phil

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