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RE: st: RE: RE: labels on bar graphs

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: RE: RE: labels on bar graphs
Date   Wed, 2 Jul 2008 00:28:12 +0100

Similarly, and as promised earlier, I've revised my -mylabels-. The
previous version is on SSC; this version will follow when I've revised
the help. The program is also short enough to be quotable. What are new
in this version are options -suffix()- to indicate text to be appended
to all labels and -prefix()- to indicate text to be prepended to all

You give it what you want to see, and how the numbers that the graph
sees differ. 

. mylabels 0(5)20, local(labels) suffix(%) myscale(@/100)
0 "0%" .05 "5%" .1 "10%" .15 "15%" .2 "20%"

. mylabels 0(5)20, local(labels) suffix(" %") myscale(@/100)
0 "0 %" .05 "5 %" .1 "10 %" .15 "15 %" .2 "20 %"

. mylabels 0(5)20, local(labels) prefix("$") myscale(@)
0 "$0" 5 "$5" 10 "$10" 15 "$15" 20 "$20"

*! NJC 1.1.0 2 July 2008 
*! NJC 1.0.0 5 May 2003 
program mylabels 
	version 8 
	syntax anything(name=values) , MYscale(str) Local(str) ///
	[Format(str) PREfix(str) SUFfix(str)]  

	numlist "`values'" 
	local values "`r(numlist)'" 

	if !index("`myscale'","@") { 
		di as err "myscale() does not contain @"
		exit 198 

	if "`format'" != "" { 
		capture di `format' 1.2345 
	foreach v of local values { 
		local val : subinstr local myscale "@" "(`v')", all 
		local val : di %8.0g `val' 
		if "`format'" != "" local v : di `format' `v' 
		local mylabels `"`mylabels' `val'

	di as res `"{p}`mylabels'"' 
	c_local `local' `"`mylabels'"' 

Michael Blasnik

I have written a brief ado to address this problem with graphs.  It
isn't fully automated in terms of selecting the specific numbers, but
a wrapper to select "nice" numbers for the labeled ticks could be
used.  It's short enough that I can just list it:

program define labpct
version 9.2
args start step end decimals loc
forvalues i=`start'(`step')`end' {
	local pct: di %5.`decimals'f `i'*100
	local pct = trim("`pct'")
	local pctlist `"`pctlist' `i' "`pct'%" "'
c_local `loc' `"`pctlist'"'

The typical syntax is something like

labpct 0 .02 .1 0 ylab

The arguments are starting value, step value, max value, number of
digits after decimal in the percentage, and name of local macro to
contain the result.  This command would result in a local macro called
ylab that looks like this:

di `"`ylab'"'
 0 "0%"  .02 "2%"  .04 "4%"  .06 "6%"  .08 "8%"  .1 "10%"

A subsequent graph command could then be :

graph ...., ylab(`ylab')

On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 10:24 AM, Richard Goldstein
<[email protected]> wrote:
> I agree that Nick's suggestion would solve my, and other people's,
> completely
> I also did not understand Frank's comment

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