|  |
Statalist archive (ordered by date)
(last updated Thu Aug 31 21:20:06 2006)
- st: RE: missing wstata.bin
- st: missing wstata.bin
- st: choosing between ssc and sj for ado-files
- RE: st: RE: Choosing between SSC & SJ for ado files
- Re: st: RE: Choosing between SSC & SJ for ado files
- st: RE: line plot with individual's median
- st: line plot with individual's median
- st: ODBC connectivity problems
- st: RE: Choosing between SSC & SJ for ado files
- Re: st: Another graphics schemes query
- st: RE: overid test for probit
- st: Choosing between SSC & SJ for ado files
- st: RE: aic and adftest -- error
- RE: st: aic and adftest -- error
- st: aic and adftest -- error
- st: Mata - what comes after -st_addvar-?
- st: overid test for probit
- RE: st: Explaining strange xtgee results
- st: SJ 6-3 is out
- st: bootstrapping mvprobit
- Re: st: Integrating Stata and external text editors
- st: RE: IV list in ivreg and ivreg2: procedure to test for endogeinity of added variable if one of the original variables is endogenous?
- st: RE: RE: Is there a "running count" command in Stata?
- st: RE: Is there a "running count" command in Stata?
- [no subject]
- Re: st: Asymptotic variance adjustment for OLS with generated regressors
- st: RE: statalist-digest V4 #2445
- Re: st: Process for managing Statalist eMails with a GMail account
- Re: st: Merge question.
- st: Is there a "running count" command in Stata?
- Re: st: Friends' characteristics
- Re: st: Asymptotic variance adjustment for OLS with generated regressors
- st: possible bug in the singular value decomposition (matrix svd)
- Re: st: mprobit and ivlogit?
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: Friends' characteristics
- Re: st: st)why log linear model is better?
- Re: st: nonlinear sureg
- st: RE: RE: RE: Friends' characteristics
- st: mprobit and ivlogit?
- Re: st: nonlinear sureg
- st: Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 09:26:36 +0100
- Re: st: RE: Firefox search plugin for Stata help files
- Re: st: Program and syntax error "weights not allowed"
- Re: st: Truncation of long variable names with xi
- st: nonlinear seemingly unrelated regressions model.
- st: Program and syntax error "weights not allowed"
- st: RE: RE: Friends' characteristics
- st: RE: xtfisher -- too many values error
- st: merge question
- st: Asymptotic variance adjustment for OLS with generated regressors
- Re: st: st)why log linear model is better?
- st: -sdline- on SSC
- st: RE: Friends' characteristics
- st: Standard error calculation in predictnl
- st: Re: Calculating and storing distances
- st: RE: RE: Merge question.
- st: RE: RE: Axis Label Overlap
- st: Friends' characteristics
- st: Truncation of long variable names with xi
- Re: st: Re: adjust problem (solution)
- st: RE: Merge question.
- st: RE: Axis Label Overlap
- st: overidentification test
- st: Axis Label Overlap
- st: RE: Merge question.
- st: xtfisher -- too many values error
- st: Merge question.
- st: get predictions using mata
- Re: st: get predictions using mata
- Re: st: get predictions using mata
- Re: st: testing for optimal lag in garch
- Re: st: Process for managing Statalist eMails with a GMail account
- Re: st: testing for optimal lag in garch
- Re: st: RE: Latitude, Longitude and distances
- Re: st: testing for optimal lag in garch
- Re: st: testing for optimal lag in garch
- Re: st: RE: Latitude, Longitude and distances
- st: RE: Firefox search plugin for Stata help files
- st: testing for optimal lag in garch
- Re: st: Integrating Stata and external text editors
- st: Firefox search plugin for Stata help files
- st: RE: Latitude, Longitude and distances
- st: ST: IV list in ivreg and ivreg2: procedure to test for endogeinity of added variable if one of the original variables is endogenous?
- st: Latitude, Longitude and distances
- st: RE: statalist-digest V4 #2444
- st: Calculating and storing distances
- st: RE: RE: Scatter Plot Descriptives
- st: RE: Scatter Plot Descriptives
- st: COURSES: Statistical Courses at Manchester
- st: Using two weights
- st: Scatter Plot Descriptives
- st: get predictions using mata
- st: IV list in ivreg and ivreg2: procedure to test for endogeinity of added variable if one of the original variables is endogenous?
- RE: st: Unknown function () error.
- Re: st: Unknown function () error.
- Re: st: RE: estout with lags
- RE: st: RE: Unknown function () error.
- RE: st: RE: estout with lags
- Re: st: Unknown function () error.
- Re: st: Unknown function () error.
- st: Another graphics schemes query
- Re: st: RE: Unknown function () error.
- Re: st: Re: estout with lags
- Re: st: RE: estout with lags
- st: RE: Unknown function () error.
- st: Unknown function () error.
- RE: st: Integrating Stata and external text editors
- Re: st: Process for managing Statalist eMails with a GMail account
- st: Process for managing Statalist eMails with a GMail account
- Re: st: Integrating Stata and external text editors
- Re: st: Re: St.: Truncating Poisson - using ML
- st: RE: Re: St.: Truncating Poisson - using ML
- st: Re: St.: Truncating Poisson - using ML
- st: IV list in ivreg and ivreg2: procedure to test for endogeinity of added variable if one of the original variables is endogenous?
- st: RE: RE: New package -grexport- on SSC
- st: RE: Truncating Poisson - using ML
- st: Re: estout with lags
- RE: st: How to make macro variables last an entire session?
- st: RE: New package -grexport- on SSC
- Re: st: clogit marginal effects?
- st: RE: estout droplist does not drop variable name
- Re: st: Re: adjust problem (solution)
- st: estout droplist does not drop variable name
- st: New package -grexport- on SSC
- st: Integrating Stata and external text editors
- Re: st: How to make macro variables lastan entire session?
- Re: st: Re: adjust problem (solution)
- st: RE: Marginal effects in logit of unbalanced panel, re
- Re: st: Re: System 2sls with robust standard errors
- st: Marginal effects in logit of unbalanced panel, re
- st: Truncating Poisson - using ML
- st: Re: adjust problem (solution)
- st: Calculating and storing distances
- RE: st: clogit marginal effects?
- st: nbercycles
- st: Re: RE: Regression and "what-if" predictions
- st: Update to -kdens- available from SSC
- Re: st: Missing values-Times series
- st: Missing values-Times series
- st: RE: estout with lags
- st: nonlinear sureg
- RE: st: Import csv file
- Re: st: Re: System 2sls with robust standard errors
- RE: st: Import csv file
- st: new cursor annoyance
- Re: st: Mixed logit
- RE: st: RE: local variable within a global macro?
- st: Mixed logit
- Re: st: Do not sent to me this kind of emails!!!!!!!!URGENT
- st: A new kind of spam! Signing people up to the Stata list!
- Re: st: clogit marginal effects?
- st: estout with lags
- RE: st: Import csv file
- Re: st: Do not sent to me this kind of emails!!!!!!!!URGENT
- Re: st: RE: local variable within a global macro?
- st: RE: Program and local macro
- st: RE: Do not sent to me this kind of emails!!!!!!!!URGENT
- st: Program and local macro
- Re: st: Do not sent to me this kind of emails!!!!!!!!URGENT
- Re: st: Do not sent to me this kind of emails!!!!!!!!URGENT
- st: -tabstatmat- updated on SSC
- RE: st: Import csv file
- st: Do not sent to me this kind of emails!!!!!!!!URGENT
- st: RE: local variable within a global macro?
- Re: st: RE: local variable within a global macro?
- RE: st: local variable within a global macro?
- RE: st: local variable within a global macro?
- st: RE: local variable within a global macro?
- st: RE: local variable within a global macro?
- Re: st: local variable within a global macro?
- st: local variable within a global macro?
- st: RE: How to make macro variables last an entire session?
- RE: st: st)why log linear model is better?
- st: RE: Explaining strange xtgee results
- st: non negative and integer - ipolate and epolate
- RE: st: p-value after cluster option
- st: RE: logit and collinearity
- st: logit and collinearity
- RE: st: p-value after cluster option
- Re: st: p-value after cluster option
- st: RE: Regression and "what-if" predictions
- st: Re: -permute- with -ttest- (was no subject)
- st: Explaining strange xtgee results
- Re: st: xtabond2: all variables are dropped due to collinearity
- Re: st: adjust problem
- [no subject]
- st: adjust problem
- Re: st: st)why log linear model is better?
- st: st)why log linear model is better?
- RE: st: Import csv file
- st: Re: RE: Re: diagnostics for the treatreg procedure
- Re: st: Import csv file
- RE: st: ptrend for adjusted ORs
- st: Import csv file
- Re: st: How to make macro variables last an entire session?
- st: How to make macro variables last an entiresession?
- st: clogit marginal effects?
- RE: st: ptrend for adjusted ORs
- st: RE: Re: diagnostics for the treatreg procedure
- RE: st: ptrend for adjusted ORs
- Re: st: xtabond2: all variables are dropped due to collinearity
- st: Re: diagnostics for the treatreg procedure
- Re: st: xtabond2: all variables are dropped due to collinearity
- Re: st: ptrend for adjusted ORs
- Re: st: p-value after cluster option
- Re: st: Querying Stata on what kind of machine it is running
- Re: st: ptrend for adjusted ORs
- st: Re: list mechanics
- Re: st: Querying Stata on what kind of machine it is running
- st: Querying Stata on what kind of machine it is running
- Re: st: ptrend for adjusted ORs
- st: xtabond2: all variables are dropped due to collinearity
- st: p-value after cluster option
- Re: st: ptrend for adjusted ORs
- st: diagnostics for the treatreg procedure
- st: Two-sample 2SLS / Two-Sample IV?
- Re: st: On command "table": how to avoid blank cells after summation
- Re: st: On command "table": how to avoid blank cells after summation
- Re: st: On command "table": how to avoid blank cells after summation
- st: On command "table": how to avoid blank cells after summation
- Re: st: orthogonal design and STATA
- st: Re: why did IV estimation turn an insignificant included instrument variable...
- st: Re: ARMA(1,1) with multiple panels
- st: orthogonal design and STATA
- st: ptrend for adjusted ORs
- Re: st: -tmap- maps: why only 9 categories?
- st: RE: pseudo-r^2 in tobit regression
- st: pseudo-r^2 in tobit regression
- st: Re: several endogenous dummies
- st: Re: System 2sls with robust standard errors
- st: tobit regression
- Re: st: Re: matching variable values
- Re: st: mlogit, bootstrap, mfx: "no observations"
- Re: st: System 2sls with robust standard errors
- Re: st: mlogit, bootstrap, mfx: "no observations"
- st: several endogenous dummies
- st: Overid for ivtobit?
- st: System 2sls with robust standard errors
- RE: st: Help with string problem
- RE: st: Help with string problem
- st: Regression and "what-if" predictions
- RE: st: Help with string problem
- st: Outreg2 beta versus OLS beta
- RE: st: Help with string problem
- st: Outreg2 beta versus OLS beta
- st: lrtest again for clarification
- Re: st: Help with string problem
- st: RE: statalist-digest V4 #2439
- st: RE: Identifier dissapears?
- RE: st: list mechanics
- st: Re: matching variable values
- Re: st: list mechanics
- RE: st: RE: outreg/estimates type commands for ttest
- Re: st: lrtest again for clarification
- st: RE: matching variable values
- st: lrtest again for clarification
- RE: st: the meaning of 'foo'
- RE: st: Help with string problem
- Re: st: Help with string problem
- st: RE: RE : Help with string problem
- Re: st: mlogit, bootstrap, mfx: "no observations"
- st: RE : Help with string problem
- Re: st: Non-nested models and LRTEST
- st: Help with string problem
- st: Non-nested models and LRTEST
- Re: st: -svy- for repeated measurements (was Non parametric repeated measures)
- st: mlogit with empty cell
- Re: st: mlogit, bootstrap, mfx: "no observations"
- RE: st: RE: RE: outreg/estimates type commands for ttest
- st: Heather Schwartz/cam/Abtassoc is out of the office.
- Re: st: mlogit, bootstrap, mfx: "no observations"
- Re: st: mlogit, bootstrap, mfx: "no observations"
- st: Identifier dissapears?
- Re: st: mlogit, bootstrap, mfx: "no observations"
- st: Re: statalist
- RE: st: RE: RE: outreg/estimates type commands for ttest
- Re: st: RE: RE: outreg/estimates type commands for ttest
- st: clogit marginal effects?
- st: matching variable values
- Re: RE : st: Outsheet file to "txt" file
- st: Upcoming NetCourses
- Re: st: Re: why did IV estimation turn an insignificant includedinstrument variable in OLS to be significant in IV estimation?
- Re: st: what is SIGMA2 _const in arima
- Re: st: what is SIGMA2 _const in arima
- Re: st: what is SIGMA2 _const in arima
- Re: st: what is SIGMA2 _const in arima
- Re: st: what is SIGMA2 _const in arima
- Re: st: what is SIGMA2 _const in arima
- Re: st: what is SIGMA2 _const in arima
- Re: st: what is SIGMA2 _const in arima
- Re: st: what is SIGMA2 _const in arima
- Re: st: what is SIGMA2 _const in arima
- Re: st: the meaning of 'foo'
- st: what is SIGMA2 _const in arima
- RE: st: the meaning of 'foo'
- Re: st: the meaning of 'foo'
- st: RE: the meaning of 'foo'
- Re: st: the meaning of 'foo'
- RE: st: RE: outreg/estimates type commands for ttest
- st: the meaning of 'foo'
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: Merge two long datasets? and re: stopping loops
- Re: st: list mechanics
- st: RE: FW: RE: RE: Merge two long datasets? and re: stopping loops
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: Merge two long datasets? and re: stopping loops
- st: FW: RE: RE: Merge two long datasets? and re: stopping loops
- st: RE: Merge two long datasets? and re: stopping loops
- RE: st: RE: outreg/estimates type commands for ttest
- Re: st: RE: RE: outreg/estimates type commands for ttest
- st: RE: RE: RE: Merge two long datasets? and re: stopping loops
- st: RE: RE: Merge two long datasets? and re: stopping loops
- Re: st: RE: outreg/estimates type commands for ttest
- st: RE: Merge two long datasets? and re: stopping loops
- Re: st: mlogit, bootstrap, mfx: "no observations"
- st: Merge two long datasets? and re: stopping loops
- st: adjusted risk ratio from (multinomial) logit regression
- RE: st: list mechanics
- Re: st: maximum likelihood estimation unknown function error
- Re: st: RE: outreg/estimates type commands for ttest
- Re: st: RE: outreg/estimates type commands for ttest
- Re: st: mlogit, bootstrap, mfx: "no observations"
- Re: st: RE: matsum - matrix sums of rows
- Re: st: list mechanics
- st: RE: RE: outreg/estimates type commands for ttest
- st: RE: matsum - matrix sums of rows
- st: matsum - matrix sums of rows
- st: Outreg2 beta versus OLS beta
- Re: st: list mechanics
- Re: st: RE: list mechanics
- st: mlogit, bootstrap, mfx: "no observations"
- st: RE: list mechanics
- st: RE: outreg/estimates type commands for ttest
- st: list mechanics
- Re: st: RE : -Estout-, -tobit- and -nagelkerke-
- st: RE: -Estout-, -tobit- and -nagelkerke-
- st: RE : -Estout-, -tobit- and -nagelkerke-
- st: extend max lag for VAR, ARIMA
- st: -Estout-, -tobit- and -nagelkerke-
- RE : st: Outsheet file to "txt" file
- st: outreg/estimates type commands for ttest
- RE : st: Outsheet file to "txt" file
- Re: st: Outsheet file to "txt" file
- Re: st: Outsheet file to "txt" file
- RE: st: Outsheet file to "txt" file
- RE : st: RE : Outsheet file to "txt" file
- Re: st: Outsheet file to "txt" file
- st: -svy- for repeated measurements (was Non parametric repeatedmeasures)
- st: RE: predicting residuals with xtpcse
- RE: st: Joint -pwcorr- and -spearman-
- st: RE: parameter estimation doubts
- Re: st: Joint -pwcorr- and -spearman-
- Re: st: programming: stopping loops?
- Re: st: RE : Outsheet file to "txt" file
- st: programming: stopping loops?
- Re: st: RE: Flat or discontinuous region encountered! Help
- RE: st: RE: Flat or discontinuous region encountered! Help
- Re: st: Re: Non parametric repeated measures
- st: RE: standardized parameter for dichotmious variable in a regr
- st: RE: graphing time series data - can i graph only one point in the distribution?
- Re: st: RE: Flat or discontinuous region encountered! Help
- st: Does anybody provide the Data Envelop Analysis(DEA) package for Stata?
- Re: st: -tmap- maps: why only 9 categories?
- st: RE : Outsheet file to "txt" file
- Re: st: -tmap- maps: why only 9 categories?
- st: graphing time series data - can i graph only one point in the distribution?
- Re: st: RE: Flat or discontinuous region encountered! Help
- Re: st: Re: why did IV estimation turn an insignificant included instrument variable in OLS to be significant in IV estimation?
- st: -tmap- maps: why only 9 categories?
- st: Outsheet file to "txt" file
- st: RE: Flat or discontinuous region encountered! Help
- st: parameter estimation doubts
- st: Flat or discontinuous region encountered! Help
- RE: Re: st: least products regression
- RE: st: Joint -pwcorr- and -spearman-
- RE: st: ARMA(1,1) with Multiple Panels
- st: RE: Re: Non parametric repeated measures
- Re: st: Joint -pwcorr- and -spearman-
- st: RE: Re: Non parametric repeated measures
- RE: st: ARMA(1,1) with Multiple Panels
- RE: st: ARMA(1,1) with Multiple Panels
- Re Re st:least products regression.
- st: Re: Non parametric repeated measures
- Re: st: sts graph
- Re: st: variance components usin xtmixed
- st: Re: How to find out if there are different variables in different waves of survey data
- RE: st: Re: why did IV estimation turn an insignificant included instrument variable in OLS to be significant in IV estimation?
- RE: st: Re: why did IV estimation turn an insignificant included instrument variable in OLS to be significant in IV estimation?
- RE: st: RE: a question about option orthog for command ivreg2
- [no subject]
- st: Re: why did IV estimation turn an insignificant included instrument variable in OLS to be significant in IV estimation?
- Re: st: ARMA(1,1) with Multiple Panels
- Re: Re: st: least products regression
- st: predicting residuals with xtpcse
- Re: st: sts graph
- st: sts graph
- st: why did IV estimation turn an insignificant included instrument variable in OLS to be significant in IV estimation?
- Re: st: looping over all files in a folder
- RE: st: looping over all files in a folder
- Re: st: ARMA(1,1) with Multiple Panels
- Re: st: looping over all files in a folder
- Re: st: looping over all files in a folder
- Re: Re: st: least products regression
- st: looping over all files in a folder
- Re: st: Using foreach to loop over macros
- Re: st: RE: using lags within -xi-
- st: Using foreach to loop over macros
- st: RE: using lags within -xi-
- st: using lags within -xi-
- Re: st: ARMA(1,1) with Multiple Panels
- Re: st: ARMA(1,1) with Multiple Panels
- Re: st: Re: ARMA(1,1) with Multiple Panels
- Re: st: Obtaining log likelihood of a glm at user-specified parameter values
- st: Re: ARMA(1,1) with Multiple Panels
- Re: st: RE: how to cluster with ivprobit with two-step option?
- Re: st: Generate variable which identify same subject
- st: RE: how to cluster with ivprobit with two-step option?
- st: ARMA(1,1) with Multiple Panels
- Re: st: Re: -odbc- with Microsoft Excel driver: weird behaviour
- RE: st: RE: standardized parameter for dichotmious variable in a regr
- RE: st: RE: standardized parameter for dichotmious variable in a regr
- st: Recurrent event and frailty
- Re: st: -glm- vs -xtgee,corr(independent)-
- Re: st: maximum likelihood estimation unknown function error
- st: Re: How to find out if there are different variables in differentwaves of survey data
- Re: st: least products regression
- st: RE: standardized parameter for dichotmious variable in a regr
- st: standardized parameter for dichotmious variable in a regr
- st: maximum likelihood estimation unknown function error
- st: How to find out if there are different variables in different wavesof survey data
- st: RE: Missing results in XTTOBIT regressions
- st: Missing results in XTTOBIT regressions
- st: RE: variance components usin xtmixed
- st: variance components usin xtmixed
- Re: st: -glm- vs -xtgee,corr(independent)-
- Re: st: -glm- vs -xtgee,corr(independent)-
- Re: re: st: covariance structure name?
- Re: st: Re: -odbc- with Microsoft Excel driver: weird behaviour
- st: least products regression
- RE: st: RE: why F statistics are different forAnderson-Rubin test of joint significance of endogenous regressors?
- Re: st: RE: Persistent "New update available" message, solved
- Re: Re: st: < and > operand in recode
- st: -glm- vs -xtgee,corr(independent)-
- st: Obtaining log likelihood of a glm at user-specified parameter values
- Re: st: Joint -pwcorr- and -spearman-
- Re: st: Stata MP and Windows Server
- Re: st: RE: RE: how to cluster with ivprobit with two-step option?
- st: Stata MP and Windows Server
- st: Over-identification test for ivprobit
- st: RE: how to cluster with ivprobit with two-step option?
- st: Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 17:35:17 +0100
- st: RE: RE: Generate variable which identify same subject
- st: Informations
- st: RE: testing syntax on no observations
- st: RE: Generate variable which identify same subject
- st: testing syntax on no observations
- st: Generate variable which identify same subject
- st: stata 9 heckprob
- Re: st: Replacing missing values
- RE: st: < and > operand in recode
- st: RE: Replacing missing values
- st: Replacing missing values
- Re: st: Persistent "New update available" message
- st: RE: RE: how to cluster with ivprobit with two-step option?
- Re: st: Equivalent of -mkcorr- for -spearman-
- st: Equivalent of -mkcorr- for -spearman-
- st: Joint -pwcorr- and -spearman-
- RE: st: estout: dodgy output in Excel
- RE: st: estout: dodgy output in Excel
- st: RE: how to cluster with ivprobit with two-step option?
- Re: st: estout: dodgy output in Excel
- Re: st: estout: dodgy output in Excel
- Re: st: Creating a folder with time and date
- st: RE: XTIVREG2 versions
- Re: st: < and > operand in recode
- RE: st: < and > operand in recode
- st: XTIVREG2 versions
- st: RE: how to cluster with ivprobit with two-step option?
- st: xttobit
- st: how to cluster with ivprobit with two-step option?
- RE: st: RE: < and > operand in recode
- RE: st: RE: < and > operand in recode
- RE: st: RE: a question about option orthog for command ivreg2
- st: RE: why F statistics are different forAnderson-Rubin test of joint significance of endogenous regressors?
- st: Evaluating likelihood ratio tests at specified parameter values
- st: why F statistics are different forAnderson-Rubin test of joint significance of endogenous regressors?
- Re: st: estout: dodgy output in Excel
- RE: st: ramani gunatilaka's excel - stata problem
- st: ramani gunatilaka's excel - stata problem
- Re: st: estout: dodgy output in Excel
- st: Creating a folder with time and date
- Re: st: RE: Persistent "New update available" message
- st: Re: estout: dodgy output in Excel
- [no subject]
- Re: st: RE: Persistent "New update available" message
- st: estout: dodgy output in Excel
- Re: st: RE: Persistent "New update available" message
- Re: st: RE: Persistent "New update available" message
- st: RE: Multinomial Propensity Score
- st: Multinomial Propensity Score
- st: Installing STATA on Ubuntu (Linux) 6.06
- RE: st: RE: < and > operand in recode
- Re: st: RE: < and > operand in recode
- RE: st: RE: < and > operand in recode
- Re: st: RE: < and > operand in recode
- Re: st: < and > operand in recode
- st: RE: scaling factor in stata
- st: RE: Persistent "New update available" message
- st: RE: < and > operand in recode
- Re: st: file size problems
- Re: st: file size problems
- RE: st: file size problems
- RE: st: file size problems
- Re: st: file size problems
- st: < and > operand in recode
- RE: st: file size problems
- st: Re: xtabond
- RE: st: RE: a question about option orthog for command ivreg2
- st: file size problems
- st: xtabond
- st: cttost error: not sorted
- Re: st: Displaying ttest results
- st: Which R-square is used in papers for a fixed effects model?
- Re: st: Displaying ttest results
- st: RE: a question about option orthog for command ivreg2
- Re: st: Displaying ttest results
- st: scaling factor in stata
- st: Displaying ttest results
- re: st: covariance structure name?
- Re: st: covariance structure name?
- st: Re: a question about option orthog for command ivreg2
- st: a question about option orthog for command ivreg2
- RE: st: RE: why is F statistic still missing even though there is no singleton dummy problem?
- st: Persistent "New update available" message
- Re: st: Problem with ML estimation
- Re: st: Variance-Covariance matrix using -lincom-
- Re: st: Using weights in GLLAMM
- Re: st: Variance-Covariance matrix using -lincom-
- Re: st: Variance-Covariance matrix using -lincom-
- Re: st: Problem with ML estimation
- st: Variance-Covariance matrix using -lincom-
- st: covariance structure name?
- st: scaling factor in tobit analysis
- Re: st: Re: Adjusted R2 using IVREG2
- st: ckvar update
- Re: st: Xtreg is dropping dummy variable for OECD countries.
- st: Re: -odbc- with Microsoft Excel driver: weird behaviourinvolving missing values
- st: Using weights in GLLAMM
- st: RE: RE: Funky local macro result
- st: RE: Funky local macro result
- Re: st: Problem with ML estimation
- Re: st: White test for heteroskedasticity: maxvar
- st: Re: Adjusted R2 using IVREG2
- st: IVREG2 resulting in underidentification and CONDIVREG in unbounded intervals
- st: Funky local macro result
- Re: st: Problem with ML estimation
- Re: st: White test for heteroskedasticity: maxvar
- st: RE: why is F statistic still missing even though there is no singleton dummy problem?
- st: RE: why is F statistic still missing even though there is no singleton dummy problem?
- st: Re: cointegration test for an unbalanced panel
- st: Alan Diener/HC-SC/GC/CA is out of the office.
- Re: st: Re: -odbc- with Microsoft Excel driver: weird behaviour involving missing values
- st: why is F statistic still missing even though there is no singleton dummy problem?
- Re: st: Re: -odbc- with Microsoft Excel driver: weird behaviourinvolving missing values
- st: "out of the office"
- st: Re: -odbc- with Microsoft Excel driver: weird behaviour involving missing values
- st: Passion L. Sparrow/HOU/UTMDACC is out of the office.
- st: RE: duplicates tag not by-able
- Re: st: gllamm, marginal effects and hierarchical clustering
- st: Problem with ML estimation
- Re: st: White test for heteroskedasticity: maxvar
- st: -odbc- with Microsoft Excel driver: weird behaviour involving missing values
- st: An Introduction to Modern Econometrics using Stata
- Re: st: White test for heteroskedasticity: maxvar
- Re: st: gllamm, marginal effects and hierarchical clustering
- st: Random effects and marginal effects
- st: Hans J. Baumgartner ist au�er Haus.
- RE: st: -by varname- and -est store-
- st: Re: duplicates tag not by-able
- st: RE: What is -relativesize- relative to?
- st: Re: Insheeting Excel file with multiple worksheets
- st: duplicates tag not by-able
- Re: st: Insheeting Excel file with multiple worksheets
- st: Re: Insheeting Excel file with multiple worksheets
- st: Bootstrapping index of dissimilarity
- st: RE: Two simple questions
- st: What is -relativesize- relative to?
- st: Insheeting Excel file with multiple worksheets
- st: RE: inverse mill's ratio
- Re: st: exceeded memory limit
- st: exceeded memory limit
- RE: st: testing for stationarity in unbalanced panels
- Re: st: -by varname- and -est store-
- st: Two simple questions
- Re: st: -by varname- and -est store-
- st: -by varname- and -est store-
- st: RE: contrast with probit
- Re: st: ckvar package finally posted
- RE: st: number of missing from previous year
- RE: st: Maximum sizes Nested Logit
- Re: st: inverse mill's ratio
- Re: st: Maximum sizes Nested Logit
- Re: st: Maximum sizes Nested Logit
- st: Intraclass correlation after gllamm
- st: panel GMM ivreg2, gmm; is there need of time dummies??
- [no subject]
- From: "=3D?iso-8859-1?Q?Steffen_H._Gr=3DF6ning?=3D" <(removed)>
- Re: st: testing for stationarity in unbalanced panels
- Re: st: three level variance components using xtmixed
- st: inverse mill's ratio
- [no subject]
- Re: st: three level variance components using xtmixed
- RE: st: contrast with probit
- st: three level variance components using xtmixed
- st: Maximum sizes Nested Logit
- Re: st: White test for heteroskedasticity: maxvar
- Re: st: ckvar package finally posted
- RE: st:Transformation for skewed variables with negative values?
- Re: st: gllamm, marginal effects and hierarchical clustering
- Re: st:Transformation for skewed variables with negative values?
- Re: st: ancillary parameters in ml display
- RE: st: between overall within squared on xtreg
- Re: st: between overall within squared on xtreg
- st: gllamm, marginal effects and hierarchical clustering
- RE: st: number of missing from previous year
- st: between overall within squared on xtreg
- RE: st: number of missing from previous year
- RE: st: number of missing from previous year
- Re: st: contrast with probit
- st: ckvar package finally posted
- Re: st: contrast with probit
- RE: st:Transformation for skewed variables with negative values?
- RE: st: number of missing from previous year
- Re: st: Xtreg is dropping dummy variable for OECD countries.
- RE: st:Transformation for skewed variables with negative values?
- Re: st: RE: tsset in xtabond2
- st: RE: tsset in xtabond2
- Re: st: contrast with probit
- st: Winemiller 2006 conference: October 11-14, Columbia, Missouri
- st: contrast with probit
- Re: st: standard errors in regression
- st: testing for stationarity in unbalanced panels
- Re: st: standard errors in regression
- Re: st:Transformation for skewed variables with negative values?
- Re: st:Transformation for skewed variables with negative values?
- Re: st: White test for heteroskedasticity: maxvar
- Re: st: standard errors in regression
- Re: st: standard errors in regression
- Re: st: standard errors in regression
- Re: st:Transformation for skewed variables with negative values?
- st: White test for heteroskedasticity: maxvar
- st: standard errors in regression
- RE: st: RE: constraints in mlogit
- Re: st: margeff matrix has missing values issue
- Re: st:Transformation for skewed variables with negative values?
- st: tsset in xtabond2
- st:Transformation for skewed variables with negative values?
- st: RE: Test command with multiple equations
- st: Test command with multiple equations
- RE: st: RE: constraints in mlogit
- st: Xtreg is dropping dummy variable for OECD countries.
- From: "Steffen H. Gr�ning" <(removed)>
- RE: st: RE: constraints in mlogit
- Re: st: RE: why is the F-statistic missing in OLS reported results?
- RE: st: number of missing from previous year
- st: margeff matrix has missing values issue
- RE: st: Xtreg is dropping dummy variable for OECD countries.
- st: RE: Xtreg is dropping dummy variable for OECD countries.
- Re: st: Xtreg is dropping dummy variable for OECD countries.
- st: Xtreg is dropping dummy variable for OECD countries.
- st: intreg syntax/running a tobit using svy: intreg
- Re: st: Testing -stcox- proportionality under -micombine-
- st: Testing -stcox- proportionality under -micombine-
- st: RE: Re: Limited dependent variable
- Re: st: Re: Limited dependent variable
- st: Re: Limited dependent variable
- st: RE: constraints in mlogit
- st: constraints in mlogit
- st: London users' meeting
- Re: st: ancillary parameters in ml display
- st: RE: Spatial panel
- st: Spatial panel
- AW: st: RE: schemes
- st: RE: schemes
- st: schemes
- Re: st: RE: separating string variable into components
- RE: st: number of missing from previous year
- st: RE: tabstat, by(): switching variables from row to columns
- RE: st: number of missing from previous year
- RE: st: number of missing from previous year
- RE: st: separating string variable into components
- st: RE: separating string variable into components
- Re: st: How to perform Granger causality test in Stata 9
- st: tabstat, by(): switching variables from row to columns
- st: stset with spell data
- st: RE: why is the F-statistic missing in OLS reported results?
- st: RE: ancillary parameters in ml display
- st: why is the F-statistic missing in OLS reported results?
- Re: st: Limited dependent variable
- st: ancillary parameters in ml display
- st: RE: How to perform Grange causality test in Stata 9
- st: How to perform Grange causality test in Stata 9
- Re: st: sum of a series of number
- RE: st: number of missing from previous year
- Re: st: number of missing from previous year
- Re: st: separating string variable into components
- st: number of missing from previous year
- st: separating string variable into components
- st: sum of a series of number
- [no subject]
- st: Limited dependent variable
- Re: st: RE: Changing the font size in the title of a graph
- st: RE: Changing the font size in the title of a graph
- st: Changing the font size in the title of a graph
- RE: st: random effect logit model
- Re: st: address standard error of rho in bivariate probit
- st: xtpcse likelihood info
- st: address standard error of rho in bivariate probit
- RE: st: areg2 & overidxt
- st: Re: random effect logit model
- Re: st: label / macro problem
- Re: st: label / macro problem
- st: Re: label / macro problem
- Re: st: areg2 & overidxt
- st: areg2 & overidxt
- Re: st:filling missing by mean value of "inrange"
- st:filling missing by mean value of "inrange"
- st: label / macro problem
- Re: st: random effect logit model
- st: RE: random effect logit model
- Re: st: decimal years
- Re: st: decimal years
- st: random effect logit model
- RE: st: decimal years
- Re: st: decimal years
- st: RE: decimal years origins
- RE: st: decimal years
- st: RE: RE: Variable names incompatable with aflogit?
- st: Re: Variable names incompatable with aflogit?
- st: decimal years origins
- st: Re: RE: Variable names incompatable with aflogit?
- st: RE: Variable names incompatable with aflogit?
- Re: st: Installation problems
- Re: st: decimal years
- st: RE: Secular trends
- Re: st: Variable names incompatable with aflogit?
- st: Variable names incompatable with aflogit?
- st: Some questions on IRT using GLLAMM
- st: Secular trends
- st: instrumental var reg with time varying coefficients?
- Re:st: Display of data in the Data Editor
- RE: st: decimal years
- Re: st: Re: median
- Re: st: decimal years
- st: RE: median
- AW: st: Re: median
- Re: st: median
- st: Re: median
- st: median
- Re: st: decimal years
- Re: st: decimal years
- Re: st: Installation problems
- st: fracplot for gamma glm
- st: RE: decimal years
- st: decimal years
- st: -winsor- and -dlist- revised on SSC
- st: rolling covariance
- st: new packages for poverty and inequality analysis on SSC
- Re: st: svy:probit, margeff and lincom problem
- RE: st: Delta method std errors via "svy" vs. "robust" std errors via "glm"
- Re: st: svy:probit, margeff and lincom problem
- st: F test after xtreg, fe
- RE: st: Select minimum AIC from a matrix [
- st: Help:Pseudo-likehood Ratio
- Re: st: SSC archive
- st: SSC archive
- Re: st: Installation problems
- st: RE: time for completion of a command
- st: time for completion of a command
- RE: st: Select minimum AIC from a matrix
- RE: st: Select minimum AIC from a matrix
- Re: st: Installation problems -- Debian Ubuntu
- Re: st: Installation problems -- Debian Ubuntu
- st: RE: Issue with edit and if condition
- Re: st: Installation problems
- Re: st: Delta method std errors via "svy" vs. "robust" std errors via "glm"
- Re: st: RE: Pseudo R2 for xtlogit
- st: Delta method std errors via "svy" vs. "robust" std errors via "glm"
- st: AFT Models and time origin
- Re: st: RE: Pseudo R2 for xtlogit
- Re: st: RE: Pseudo R2 for xtlogit
- st: Re: RE: Filling missing depr. for panel
- Re: st: Select minimum AIC from a matrix
- st: reg3 in a panel context
- Re: st: vec of upper triangle
- st: vec of upper triangle
- st: vec of upper triangle
- st: RE: roccomp
- st: Display of data in the Data Editor
- RE: st: RE: xtgls, p(h) versus xtreg, re robust cluster()
- Re: st: RE: xtgls, p(h) versus xtreg, re robust cluster()
- st: RE: xtgls, p(h) versus xtreg, re robust cluster()
- st: Issue with edit and if condition
- Re: st: running regs for subsamples
- st: xtgls, p(h) versus xtreg, re robust cluster()
- Re: st: Plotting stored estimates
- Re: st: Installation problems
- Re: st: svy:probit, margeff and lincom problem
- st: svy:probit, margeff and lincom problem
- [no subject]
- st: Select minimum AIC from a matrix
- st: Installation problems
- st: re: re: boxcox and test
- RE: st: RE: Pseudo R2 for xtlogit
- RE: st: RE: Pseudo R2 for xtlogit
- RE: st: RE: Pseudo R2 for xtlogit
- st: RE: Filling missing depr. for panel
- st: Rescaling variables
- RE: st: Creating variables with ordering information
- Re: st: RE: Pseudo R2 for xtlogit
- st: ANZSUG Melbourne September 20 and 21 2006
- RE: st: RE: Rescaling variables
- RE: st: Creating variables with ordering information
- RE: st: Plotting stored estimates
- Re: st: RE: Rescaling variables
- st: RE: Rescaling variables
- st: roccomp
- st: RE: fan charts in stata?
- st: RE: Diagnostic tests after -xtreg, fe-
- st: RE: Pseudo R2 for xtlogit
- st: IV for xtlogit?
- st: RE: Pseudo R2 for xtlogit
- Re: st: Plotting stored estimates
- st: Pseudo R2 for xtlogit
- st: RE: Plotting stored estimates
- st: Plotting stored estimates
- st: Program bundle for sequence analysis
- Re: st: Question regarding linktest and its implementation
- st: running regs for subsamples
- Re: st: Re: rescaling variables
- Re: st: running regressions for sub-samples
- st: running regressions for sub-samples
- Re: st: Display of data in the Data Editor
- st: Re: rescaling variables
- st: Display of data in the Data Editor
- st: Rescaling variables
- [no subject]
- Re: st: re: boxcox and test
- Re: st: RE: margeff and svy: probit
- Re: st: RE: margeff and svy: probit
- Re: st: RE: margeff and svy: probit
- [no subject]
- st: RE: margeff and svy: probit
- st: rsd vs. summarize
- st: margeff and svy: probit
- st: Dynamic Probit w/ Unobserved Heterogeneity & Unbalanced Panel
- Re: st: what happened to R. Tucker's btscs.ado (binary time-series cross-section)?
- st: Re: tabulate with gen
- st: 2 parameter MLIRT polychotomous model simulation
- Re: st: what happened to R. Tucker's btscs.ado (binary time-series cross-section)?
- RE: [SPAM] RE: st: Question regarding linktest and its implementation
- st: what happened to R. Tucker's btscs.ado (binary time-series cross-section)?
- st: re: boxcox and test
- st: Fractional logit for complex survey designs
- st: professional position available @ BC
- st: Between-model tests of coefficients, -suest-, & -stcox-
- RE: st: Is there a bug in the ARIMA diaglog boxes
- st: Diagnostic tests after -xtreg, fe-
- st: RE: xtivreg2 clustering SE's
- st: xtivreg2 clustering SE's
- RE: st: Question regarding linktest and its implementation
- Re: st: tabulate with gen
- st: RE: tabulate with gen
- st: predict and adjust after reg3
- st: Is there a bug in the ARIMA diaglog boxes
- st: tabulate with gen
- Re: [SPAM] RE: st: Question regarding linktest and its implementation
- st: New versions of -ivreg2-, -xtivreg2-, -overid-, -ivendog-, -ivhettest- and -ivreset- on SSC
- RE: st: spatwmat on Stata/SE 9.1
- RE: st: spatwmat on Stata/SE 9.1
- Re: st: Rescaling variables
- Re: st: spatwmat on Stata/SE 9.1
- RE: [SPAM] RE: st: Question regarding linktest and its implementation
- Re: st: spatwmat on Stata/SE 9.1
- Re: [SPAM] RE: st: Question regarding linktest and its implementation
- st: spatwmat on Stata/SE 9.1
- Re: st: Rescaling variables
- st: Rescaling variables
- Re: st: Reduce the Range
- st: RE: Kdensity and the at option to specify values for estimation
- Re: st: Reduce the Range
- RE: st: Question regarding linktest and its implementation
- st: Buying STATA secondhand
- Re: st: Can we collect the R^2 (R-squared) of a OLS regressionwith statsby?
- st: can we collect the r^2 of an OLS regression with statsby
- [no subject]
- st: Filling missing depr. for panel
- Re: st: Can we collect the R^2 (R-squared) of a OLS regression withstatsby?
- st: Can we collect the R^2 (R-squared) of a OLS regression with statsby?
- Re: st: Question regarding linktest and its implementation
- Re: st: Creating variables with ordering information
- st: fan charts in stata?
- st: Creating variables with ordering information
- st: Question regarding linktest and its implementation
- st: question about SE when running _metan_ w/ random effects
- st: Kdensity and the at option to specify values for estimation
- st: Reduce the Range
- Re: st: help with conditional loop
- Re: st: help with conditional loop
- Re: st: help with conditional loop
- st: help with conditional loop
- st: Re: r(2000) error message after multiple imputation
- st: =?UTF-8?Q?initial=20conditions=20problem=20in=20-gllamm-?=
- Re: st: Maximising likelihoods that do not meet the linear-form restrictions
- st: Heather Schwartz/cam/Abtassoc is out of the office.
- Re: st: problem with -el- matrix function
- Re: st: Maximising likelihoods that do not meet the linear-form restrictions
- st: r(2000) error message after multiple imputation
- st: problem with -el- matrix function
- st: Update to -moremata- available from SSC
- st: boxcox and test
- st: Recursive biprobit not converging
- RE: st: FW: Xtivreg and Chi-Square
- st: RE: RE: FW: Xtivreg and Chi-Square
- RE: st: FW: Xtivreg and Chi-Square
- st: lomackinlay corrected
- Re: st: RE: Test for choice between IV and OLS estimates inpanel regression
- Re: st: value labels in output regression model
- st: Maximising likelihoods that do not meet the linear-form restrictions
- st: RE: Test for choice between IV and OLS estimates in panel regression
- st: Time-varying covariate effects
- st: Test for choice between IV and OLS estimates in panelregression
- st: bivariate ordinal probit models
- Re: st: FW: Xtivreg and Chi-Square
- st: RE: Problem with stcompet with by variable
- st: Problem with stcompet with by variable
- st: psmatch2.ado and pscore.ado
- Re: st: df with -xtserial-
- RE: st: value labels in output regression model
- st: df with -xtserial-
- Re: st: value labels in output regression model
- Re: st: value labels in output regression model
- st: RE: Finite sample problem while using -Hausman-, and *suest- not working with *ivreg-
- st: Finite sample problem while using -Hausman-, and *suest- not working with *ivreg-
- Re: st: RE: value labels in output regression model
- Re: st: RE: value labels in output regression model
- st: RE: FW: Xtivreg and Chi-Square
- st: RE: value labels in output regression model
- st: FW: Xtivreg and Chi-Square
- st: value labels in output regression model
- st: Re: Newey estimations
- st: Re: flip a matrix around
- st: Re: gen lag variable
- st: RE: ??: Handling string data
- st: =?gb2312?B?tPC4tDogSGFuZGxpbmcgc3RyaW5nIGRhdGE=?=
- RE: st: Newey estimations
- Re: st: test for trend of odds for survey data
- Re: st: Newey estimations
- st: Re: Newey estimations
- Re: st: Newey estimations
- st: How to test for lag lengths in a dynamic panel model?
- Re: st: Newey estimations
- st: Newey estimations
- RE: st: Flip a matrix around
- Re: st: Flip a matrix around
- Re: st: gen lag variable
- st: Flip a matrix around
- st: gen lag variable
- Re: st: gen lag variable
- Re: st: question about weights
- Re: st: graphing with svy
- st: FW: test for trend of odds for survey data
- st: RE: PowerPoint presentation with Stata
- st: RE: question about weights
- Re: st: question about weights
- st: question about weights
- st: Lo-MacKinlay variance ratio test
- st: Lo-Mackinlay variance ratio test
- Re: st: RE: Power Point Presentation with Stata
- RE: st: RE: Power Point Presentation with Stata
- Re: st: PowerPoint presentation with Stata
- st: PowerPoint presentation with Stata
- st: RE: "Expression too long" error with nl command
- st: testing for overdispersion in panel count data models
- Re: st: RE: Power Point Presentation with Stata
- RE: st: graphing with svy
- RE: st: RE: Power Point Presentation with Stata
- Re: st: RE: Power Point Presentation with Stata
- st: Re: Re: plotting fitted lines of percentiles of two variables
- st: Re: plotting fitted lines of percentiles of two variables
- Re: st: RE: Power Point Presentation with Stata
- Re: st: ssc activity: how are hit counts computed
- Re: st: graphing with svy
- Re: st: RE: Power Point Presentation with Stata
- st: plotting fitted lines of percentiles of two variables
- st: graphing with svy
- st: PowerPoint presentation with Stata
- st: RE: define a matrix using its names of columns and rows
- st: RE: define a matrix using its names of columns and rows
- st: define a matrix using its names of columns and rows
- Re: st: RE: Power Point Presentation with Stata
- st: RE: Power Point Presentation with Stata
- RE: st: Power Point Presentation with Stata
- st: Power Point Presentation with Stata
- st: ssc activity: how are hit counts computed
- Re: st: robust test
- re: st: RE: panel data and hausman test
- st: robust test
- st: RE: The answer: Population-pyramid-like graph - positive barlabels on the left?
- Re: st: coldiag2 in svy:reg
- RE: st: SSC Activity, July 2006
- st: RE: panel data and hausman test
- st: RE: Problems with xtlogit during a simulation
- st: panel data and hausman test
- st: coldiag2 in svy:reg
- st: Problems with xtlogit during a simulation
- Re: st: nested design and logistic regression
- st: "Expression too long" error with nl command
- Re: st: identification diagnostics for ml estimation?
- Re: st: SSC Activity, July 2006
- st: SSC Activity, July 2006
- st: The answer: Population-pyramid-like graph - positive barlabels on the left?
- st: hprescott
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