I have been using Stata almost every day for 15 years
and have never encountered any # operator. (You can use
"#" as a literal text character, and there are #delimit
and #review meta-commands, all irrelevant here.) More to
the point, what do you understand it to do?
[email protected]
Vimalanand S. Prabhu
> Dear Nick,
> If I use *, then I am getting the results for the poisson
> model and not
> nbreg. I had actually got the model working but somehow did
> not save my
> results. I though that I had used # operator then, but I am not sure.
Nick Cox wrote:
> > I see # characters in the code. I may be missing
> > something but I believe that they are both meaningless
> > and illegal in this context.
> >
> > You presumably want some other operator.
> >
> > Nick
> > [email protected]
> >
> > Vimalanand S. Prabhu
> >
> >>I am new to ml command. I am getting an error: Unknown
> >>function (), when
> >>I run the following code for negative binomial count model.
> >>Is there any
> >>obvious error in the code which I seem to miss out.
> >>
> >>The L function is -exp(lambda.ui).(lambda.ui)^yi/(yi)!
> >>
> >>program define nbreg2
> >>args lnf theta uu
> >>quietly replace `lnf' = -exp(`theta')#`uu' +
> >>$ML_y1#(`theta'+ln(`uu')) -
> >>lnfact($ML_y1)
> >>end
> >>ml model lf nbreg2 (jdemh=price eff) ()
> >>ml check
> >>ml maximize
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