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st: Re: label / macro problem
Jeph Herrin asked how to generate a consistently encoded string
across a large number of files, where he knew in advance that the
number of unique strings was substantially less than the total number
of cases. One solution to this kind of problem is to
(1) Collapse or contract each file to a smaller file that contains
only the unique strings.
(2) Merge these smaller files into a larger file of the unique
strings and encode.
(3) Collapse the dataset of unique strings so it contains two
variables -- string and code, all of which are unique. Some people
call this a "data dictionary"
(4) Sequentially merge the dictionary with the original data to apply the codes
Here is an example with the auto data.
* Generate some test data
forvalues i=1(1)3 {
2. sysuse auto, clear
3. expand 3
4. save bigauto`i', replace
5. }
(1978 Automobile Data)
(148 observations created)
file bigauto1.dta saved
(1978 Automobile Data)
(148 observations created)
file bigauto2.dta saved
(1978 Automobile Data)
(148 observations created)
file bigauto3.dta saved
* (1) Contract to the unique strings in each file
forvalues i=1(1)3 {
2. use bigauto`i', clear
3. sort make
4. contract make
5. keep make
6. save littleauto`i', replace
7. }
* (2-3) Merge into one file to create the dictionary
* After each merge we contract to the unique strings (make in this
case) so that the saved dictionary never has any duplicates.
forvalues i=2(1)3 {
use littleauto1, clear
append using littleauto`i'
contract make
keep make
save littleauto1, replace
erase littleauto`i'
encode make, gen(make_code) label(makelbl)
lab values make_code
list, abbreviate(12)
| make make_code |
1. | AMC Concord 1 |
2. | AMC Pacer 2 |
3. | AMC Spirit 3 |
4. | Audi 5000 4 |
5. | Audi Fox 5 |
6. | BMW 320i 6 |
7. | Buick Century 7 |
sort make
save auto_dict
* (4) Re-merge with the original data to encode consistently across the files
forvalues i=1(1)3 {
2. use bigauto`i', clear
3. sort make
4. merge make using auto_dict, nokeep
5. save bigauto`i', replace
6. assert _merge==3
7. }
* Note that the nokeep option is required on the merge statement so
that cases of the string variable that are in the dictionary but not
in this file (exist in one of the other 83 files) do not get added to
the original data.
Hope that helps
Evan Roberts
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2006 19:32:23 -0400
From: Jeph Herrin <[email protected]>
Subject: st: label / macro problem
I'm using 9.2, latest update.
My programming problem is to combine a large number of large files;
approximately 84 files of 500k obs each. I only need three variables
from these files, but one of them, -mystring- is str64, which means that
as is, I can't combine these files via appending because my RAM (4GB)
runs out.
However, -mystring- only takes about 5500k different values. So
the solution I am using is to open each file, encode(mystring), save
the label, and then append all prior opened files. The values of
- -mystring- are not constant over all the files - new values are added
over time, so I have to update the value labels each time I add a file.
My code looks like this :
u file1, clear
encode mystring, gen(myint)
local myintlab : value label myint
save temp, replace
foreach F of numlist 2/84 {
u file`F', clear
keep ID mystring
encode mystring, gen(myint) label("`myintlab'")
local myintlab : value label myint
append using temp
save temp, replace
This seems to work fine until a point. But after about 30 files,
*something* runs out of space, and the value label ceases to be
updated with new values; -myint- simply holds integers with no
corresponding labels. Now, I understand that 64k value label
values should be allowed, so I don't see a problem there. And
- -myintlab- is just a macro holding the name of the set of value
labels. So what else could be going wrong? Or, is there another
way to do this?
NB: The close reader will note that I mention 3 variables in the preamble
but only have two in my code fragment. In fact, I *also* encode a
second string variable; it takes many fewer values, however, and
turns out fine in the end.
In particular, I would appreciate any tips on how to debug what
is happening.
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End of statalist-digest V4 #2426
* For searches and help try:
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* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/
Evan Roberts
Minnesota Population Center and Department of History
University of Minnesota
[email protected]
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
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