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st: Variable names incompatable with aflogit?
Title: Variable names incompatable with aflogit?
I have encountered the following problem when using the aflogit (sbe21.pkg) user-supplied module for calculating population attributable fraction (AF) following a logistic regression (the data set is tuyns.dta, which is distributed with the package):
The following logistic regression command is issued:
xi: logit case i.alcohol [fw=n]
which produces:
i.alcohol _Ialcohol_0-3 (naturally coded; _Ialcohol_0 omitted)
Iteration 0: log likelihood = -494.74421
Iteration 1: log likelihood = -428.70187
Iteration 2: log likelihood = -421.84193
Iteration 3: log likelihood = -421.49571
Iteration 4: log likelihood = -421.49545
Logistic regression Number of obs = 975
LR chi2(3) = 146.50
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Log likelihood = -421.49545 Pseudo R2 = 0.1481
case | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
_Ialcohol_1 | 1.27124 .232332 5.47 0.000 .8158777 1.726602
_Ialcohol_2 | 2.054459 .2611044 7.87 0.000 1.542704 2.566214
_Ialcohol_3 | 3.304162 .3236511 10.21 0.000 2.669817 3.938506
_cons | -2.588542 .1925445 -13.44 0.000 -2.965922 -2.211161
Then the aflogit command is given:
aflogit _Ialcohol* [fw=n], cc
which produces the following error:
Population attributable fraction from logistic regression
Case-control data (n=975)
Using weights [fweight = n]
Term Ref. A.F. s.e. [95% Conf. Int.]*
l_1 not found
Referring to the model terms explicitly does not help, as in
aflogit _Ialcohol_1 _Ialcohol_2 _Ialcohol_3 [fw=n], cc
However, renaming _Ialcohol_1 _Ialcohol_2 _Ialcohol_3 as alcohol1 alcohol2 alcohol3, respectively, allows the aflogit module to execute:
logit case alcohol1 alcohol2 alcohol3 [fw=n]
aflogit alcohol1 alcohol2 alcohol3 [fw=n], cc
[logistic regression outout omitted]
Population attributable fraction from logistic regression
Case-control data (n=975)
Using weights [fweight = n]
Term Ref. A.F. s.e. [95% Conf. Int.]*
alcohol1 0 0.2698 0.0451 0.1759 0.3530
alcohol2 0 0.2223 0.0340 0.1526 0.2863
alcohol3 0 0.2167 0.0287 0.1584 0.2710
TOTAL 0.7089 0.0508 0.5903 0.7931
* CI calculated on log(1-AF) scale
Any insight anyone can give as to why aflogit doesn’t accept the original indicator variable names will be appreciated. For the present example, renaming the variables is a reasonable solution, but it becomes tedious is there are several factors in the model each with multiple indicator variables.
Richard Steiner
The University of Akron